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Songs you hate playing - but audience wants

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 1:08 pm
by Judson Bertoch
I realize that you probably don't get "play Freebird" at country and swing shows, but there must be equivalent tunes in C&W.

What always gets requested at your shows that you dread playing (tired/overplayed/etc) but play anyway to please the audience?

"Hey, play __________________"

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 1:26 pm
by Jody Sanders
Steel Guitar Rag. Jody.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 1:36 pm
by Stu Schulman
Mustang Wally,Bobby McGee,Proud Mary,Little Ways,Fast as You.There's probably more than can be brought out with therapy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 1:41 pm
by Leslie Ehrlich
Anything country. But fortunately we always came up with the excuse that we didn't know any country tunes.

I don't mind listening to some country music, but I don't like playing country music.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:20 pm
by Damien Odell
brown eyed girl, margaritaville, take it easy, all you ever do.....I could go on and on.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:27 pm
by Les Anderson
The Chicken Dance! :x

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:29 pm
by Larry Bell
I'm delighted JUST TO HAVE A GIG.
(seriously -- just keep bitchin' to the wrong folks and you won't have one)

I'll happily play whatever they ask me to play. I see it as my job.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:30 pm
by Jeff Hyman
Stu Schulman wrote:Bobby McGee
Stu... are you serious? ... dig Moons ride on this one.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:34 pm
by Don Discher
I agree with Larry,just play the request and if you make the requester happy he or she will say what a great band you are and that doesn't hurt these days with the gigs on a decline.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 3:37 pm
by John Billings
My answer from another thread:
"We were playin' at the Shell Bar one night, and some drunken girl kept screamin, "Freebird." I went in my pack seat, and pulled out all my slides. None of us knew the tune, but were vaguely familiar with the melody. So we played it! Three slide guitars, slide bass, and slide fiddle! All hackin' away at the melody. I almost peed my pants, I was laughin' so hard! We didn't get invited back to that bar!"
Also, if I get a request I really don't wanna play, I play it backwards. "Achey Breaky" was a lot of fun. I would get the band to add one measure of 5/4 to it. It was hilarious to watch the line dancers crash into each other tryin' to figure out what had just happened.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 4:11 pm
by Marke Burgstahler
If anyone requests the dreaded "Stairway To Heaven" at one of my gigs (yes, I know it's not a C & W tune), I always start the song, but then go into my "Texas Two-step" version of it.

That'll shut em up.


Posted: 2 Jan 2009 4:21 pm
by Pat Comeau
As a fulltime musician and entertainer for the past 25 years i agree with larry :) ... if you play in bars or dance halls you have to please the audiance no matter what, if you want to play those kinda of gigs you have to play request if you know it, for those who don't like it they should be playing somewhere else, if you're not backing up a top artist and doing original stuff and playing bars then just swallow your pride and play request if you know the request of course or go back play in your living room by yourself and play whatever you want whitout pay ect... and you'll never go far in this business. :(

Re: Songs you hate playing - but audience wants

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 4:29 pm
by Brint Hannay
Judson Bertoch wrote:I realize that you probably don't get "play Freebird" at country...shows,
Ah, if only that were so! :aside:

(Never play it, though!) 8)

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 4:39 pm
by Herb Steiner
Pat and Larry
Hey, the prudent man isn't bitching about having to do what's required at a gig. But I've been doing this at all levels for a long time. And I know that there are some songs I don't care to perform for one reason or another, and there are some songs I really enjoy and look forward to playing.

And I don't think I'm any the less professional for those opinions. And I'll play the song I don't particularly care for with as much expertise as I do the songs I love.

Let me ask you both: do you see all songs as being equally wonderful and you have no preference what songs get called off at a gig?

But the original question was "what songs do you hate but perform anyway?" Right? ;)

So I'll say performing "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton, back in the 80's, was the bottom for me. Just because I saw the hypnotizing effect that song had on 15-year-old kids, knowing some would see no harm in doing cocaine themselves when first offered.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 5:01 pm
by Stu Schulman
Jeff Hyman,I need to explain,I've been playing with the world's busiest drummer,I can't get one rhythm chunk in with this guy...he also rushes like get the picture ,we have a girl singer and do the Janis version but with the all of the soul ripped out it,They gutted it like a trout.I used to love playing it,Now I hide,and cringe.I went to high school with a Jeff Hyman he had a band called the Ramones. ;-)

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 5:16 pm
by Rich Peterson
If I get a request for a song I REALLY don't want to do, I say, "I'm sorry, we don't do that one, but here's another one by (that artist.)" Or one in a similar style.

I get paid to play what THEY want, but not enough to play ANYTHING they want.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 5:30 pm
by Stu Schulman
Rich,I play whatever they want if I know it,I try???to keep it professional,I think it's mainly the way the people that I'm playing with butcher the songs?One time I was playing at a Bar-B-Que joint in Anchorage and someone handed me the cell phone and Jerry Blanton was on line in San Antonio and he he said to me "I'd Like To Request The Chicken Dance"...So we played it! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 5:54 pm
by Michael Douchette
In 3-4 minute increments, I can stomach anything...

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 6:28 pm
by Drew Howard
Larry B. and Michael D. hath spoken.

Well, "The Watermelon Crawl" I got issues with, but....

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:03 pm
by Glen Derksen
How about 'Your Cheatin' Heart'? I think that one has been done to death.


Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:04 pm
by Ernest Cawby
0When I was a teen ager a man told me if you play what you like you will have a small crowd, if you play what the people like you will be successful as a player. I think that was good advice, you mite like to try it out.


Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:29 pm
by Michael Douchette
Glen Derksen wrote:How about 'Your Cheatin' Heart'? I think that one has been done to death.
Just think, though; there's a whole generation out there that's never heard it. To them, it'll be new.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:35 pm
by Glen Derksen
Michael Douchette wrote:
Glen Derksen wrote:How about 'Your Cheatin' Heart'? I think that one has been done to death.
Just think, though; there's a whole generation out there that's never heard it. To them, it'll be new.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:42 pm
by Glen Derksen
I think some of you are missing the point of Judson's original post. Did he say anything about "bitching" to people or refusing to play a song? I seem to recall where he said something about playing it anyway to please the audience.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 8:09 pm
by Jody Sanders
I just said "Steel Guitar Rag" was not a favorite song to play. Not that I would not play it. Everytime they ask, I play. After playing the Rag several times a week thru the 40's 50's 60's and 70's it kinda wears on you. Besides, after hearing Buddy Charleton and Leon Rhodes on the tune, I don't feel adequate. Jody. PS : What Herb said about the song "Cocaine". Jody.