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Author Topic:  Another happy camper
Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2009 10:19 am    
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This was an email sent to me by a student from yesterday. I am not posting this to build me up but to share with you how good YOU can feel when you share what you know and have with others and watch them smile when the "lights" come on. It is worth the time spent to see their smile.

Pay it forward
Larry Behm

Hi Larry,

A couple of updates for you since I got home:

*The socket I needed to tune the endpoints of the strings is 3/16"...I found a perfect wrench--long, skinny neck; fat handle! Perfect!
Messed around with the tuning, and I think I got it pretty much in tune.

*The buzz is almost all-but-eliminated by the soldering you did today. Also, the pedals feel better on the floor and the steel rod you put in at ek- works great.

*You're right about turning the treble/bass up and the volume down. I'm finding that I need far less bass than I thought I did, but I get better tone with more treble at a lower volume.
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