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Do you have musical goals for '09?

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 3:53 pm
by Judson Bertoch
Basics at my level, of course.
1)I'm pleased with my pick blocking success, stuggling with palm blocking so I need to focus harder there.

2)Keep up theory lessons. Actually ended up having great success going to a piano teacher for theory.

3) Watch certain You-tub videos and DVD courses once a week to stay aware of getting slopping with the bar. Sloppy can creep up on me.

4) Make progress with playing better by ear. I don't find this easy at all.

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 4:08 pm
by Ron Whitfield
1) Get a job
2) Forget #1
3) Work up my picking speed while maintaining accuracy
4) Put together a new recording set up to allow for some accompaniment and fleshing out arrangments
5) Buy a Turser 401 bass and mod to fretless, a Squier Classic Vibe Strat, more steels
6)Reconsider #1

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 5:17 pm
by John Bechtel
No, no goals. That way, I might surprise even myself!


Posted: 31 Dec 2008 5:22 pm
by Ron Whitfield
...just keep that camera rolling so we can enjoy those surprises!

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 5:50 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
Finish the CD that's been on the shelf for over half a year.....

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 8:42 pm
by Jim Cohen
1. Continue studying jazz with Jimmy Bruno
2. Spend 2-3 days studying C6-jazz with Doug Jernigan
3. Record a live jazz album

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 1:46 am
by Kevin Brown
09 is my 30th anniversary living on the fringe of the music bus, my aim is to release a compilation of all my works to date ( nine albums) a kind of 'best of. I,v had a tough year for various reasons and now I need to celebrate the fact that I have survived this long and still have a lot to offer, lap steel has given me a new impetus for learning and help provide me with new directions with regards to writing and creating music, my goal , to keep on surviving

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 5:02 am
by Jason Dumont
I'd like to get out there and jam with my musician friends more rather than just staying home and playing with myself......

OMG did I say that out loud?

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 6:40 am
by Ray Langley
In the infamous words of Pepe L'Phew (a male cartoon skunk character), "We can make beautiful music together....."

I really want to do that! All my musical life, I have been a solo act. I tried to play the bass, the middle voices, and the melody using an acoustic guitar, in fingerpicking style(s), at the same time.

Now, using BIAB, I want to do something similar with the lap steel. As we become older and develop life-threatening diseases, our goals become shorter, in time.

My musical goals for 2008 were to play some lap steel blues with my brothers at our Xmas reunion. We did that!

My goal for 2009 is to play some beautiful love songs for my family reunion, at my place, in August, on a six-string lap steel.

If you want to join in, you are invited! Really!!!

It may sound kind of morbid for a New Year's message, but I would like to have that performance recorded and played at my funeral, and at several of my brother's funerals. Oh, and the blues will also be repeated, with mucho gusto. :lol: BTW, I have 10 brothers and sisters.

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 7:08 am
by Josh Cho
To Ray, I'd like to help you in any way that I can, please respond, PM or email and tell me exactly what you believe you need to fulfill your goals.

This ties in with one of my primary goals for 09: which is to do more to help other people in the best way that I know how, which is music, and in turn I hope this makes the world a better place, I believe music can do that...

My other primary goal for 09 is to continue living fearlessly, which I started doing last year in 08, finally fulfilling my dream of becoming a full-time musician, and in the face of all obstacles, common sense, hard-ships and "reality" for lack of a better word, continue playing and creating music on the lap steel guitar and ukulele while supporting my wife and family


Posted: 1 Jan 2009 7:46 am
by Eldon Cangas

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 5:41 pm
by Robert Murphy
Learn C6.

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 5:49 pm
by Mike Harris
To spend more time playing music, less time playing exercises, scales, arps, etc.

Posted: 1 Jan 2009 10:55 pm
by Edward Meisse
My goal is to find someone more local to play with who is willing to work around my rather difficult day job schedule.
Also, I'm going to learn some hawaiian tunes and try to get time off to go to Joliet for the hsga convention.
I'm also going to California Coast Music Camp. I'm bound to get something out of that. Learn, baby, learn. I've got a long way to go.

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 6:50 am
by Tamara James
I'm a beginner, so it's basic. To be in the same cord as everyone else who is playing and to get to St. Louis this year for the convention.

Learn to play Stevens bar style

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:15 am
by Todd Weger
I want to learn to play more traditional high-bass open G bluegrass style. I've studied and tried to play in the Dick McIntire/Andy Iona Hawaiian style for almost 10 years, and lately I've been involved with folks who play more of a bluegrass type of thing. I retune and try to play out of high-bass open G, flounder around, and then get yelled at to "stop sounding so Hawaiian!" Well, OK - they don't really yell at me.


My goal by June is to be able to accurately and cleanly play a half-dozen bluegrass standards and use a - gasp! :whoa: - Stevens bar (or Scheerhorn, etc), and sound at least like I kind of know what I'm doing. :lol:

This gives me one song per month to learn.

For the second half of the year, my goal is to have enough original songs/tunes written to do a full CD or all original material featuring 6 and 8-string non-pedal steels and all three style resonators.


Posted: 2 Jan 2009 7:59 am
by HowardR
To master this tune......


Posted: 2 Jan 2009 10:03 am
by Harry Dietrich
You need a bar to play that note. :lol:

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 10:12 am
by HowardR
Dang! that'sthe secret!.......thanks Harry.... :lol:

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 10:20 am
by b0b
Finish my "Greatest Hits" CD. 8)

Learn to play my "new" Hammond M3. (It's harder than I thought it would be.)

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 11:54 am
by HowardR
b0b wrote: Learn to play my "new" Hammond M3. (It's harder than I thought it would be.)

so you've mastered the vibraphone already?....... :D

Learn to play Stevens bar style

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 11:56 am
by Todd Weger
Not sure why this double posted...??? I only hit the submit button once! Really!

Re: Learn to play Stevens bar style

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 1:00 pm
by HowardR
Todd Weger wrote:Not sure why this double posted...??? I only hit the submit button once! Really!

double stops.....

Posted: 2 Jan 2009 6:34 pm
by Loren Claypool
I have three goals for 2009:

1) I announced a new recording project on Dec 28th. It's called "Breathe", details on my blog at - I hope you'll participate!

2) Live work with the Guitar Circle of Chicago team -

3) Solo live looping work.

Looks like another busy year!

Posted: 3 Jan 2009 2:14 pm
by Mark Mansueto
Same goals as last year...

1. Practice more

2. Work on original material

3. Record original material

... hope I'm not saying this again next year :(