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British Steelies Society

Posted: 16 Dec 2008 12:00 pm
by Sean Doherty

There is a new Forum for the British Steelies Forum which is


AOL users

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 3:13 pm
by Sean Doherty
There is a problem at present with AOL users who are trying to access the British Steelies Society site. If you search the net you will find a fuller explanation of the problem.

It seems that there have been DOS attacks on the servers of hosting companys from some people who are AOL users. As AOL uses proxy servers it is impossible to identify the individual or individuals so the hosting company has to ban all AOL users. This is a problem that the hosting company hosting the British Steelies Society are experiencing mainly at weekends.
A workaround is to download another web browser such as Firefox and access the site outside of AOL.