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Author Topic:  Eddie Long: GREAT Steel on Jamey Johnson's Album!
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2008 2:25 pm    
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"That Lonesome Sound".

I really liked "HeyBale" this last year, and I dunno how long this one's been out, but I got it at a "sale".


Just like HeyBale it's REAL COUNTRY, and cut ina REAL (sounding) Studio.

Anybody looking for the REAL THING needs to check this one out.

Two of my favorite "cover songs", "The Door is always open" and "Dreaming My Dreams" are both done incredibly. I like the "trail off" on DMD, and just in general it's one of the best listening albums I've gotten in a while.

I'm hoping there are MORE instead of Less of these kinds of sessions, regardless of the 'market'...

Kudos to Eddie, and of course Jamey.


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Jacek Jakubek

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2008 11:20 pm    
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I agree.

Great songs, great singing, and also plenty of pedal steel. To me, it doesn't get better than that.

Jamey Johnson has great taste in keeping his sound real.

The last time I listened to this album, I remember that song "mowing done the roses" hit me just right, though all the songs are good on this album.

I hope Jamey Johnson sticks around and continues to make music for many decades to come.

By the way, what's "HeyBale?"
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2008 8:27 pm    
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Redd Volkaert and friends and "The Last Country Album"

I thought it was until I got ahold of this, and now it's nice to know there are more, including Dicky Overby and Amber Digby.

Jamey puts down a real life studio sound from times I miss, and lets "cute" things onto the ends and tags.

Very few depressives could give this a totally dry listen.

Nor those missing REAL Country Music.

If he calls me to do any kind of road work, now that I'll do it, I'll do it 5$ cheaper than anyone else, and I can play those old songs pretty good. If he doesn't mind a mini aussie onstage...


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