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Dave Seddon


Leicester, England.
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2008 10:45 am    
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I am having trouble getting a descent clean sound when uploading stuff to youtube. I don't know if it's the sound card or what. I have just changed to a new Broadband provider, I have also changed from an MSA S12 for an MCI D10. My tone seems to have lost a lot of guts even though all my settings are the same as before, (even my wife noticed the difference.) Can anyone suggest anything I might be missing or even a good soundcard at a reasonable price. The one I am using at the momenr is a Creative Soundblaster digital 5.1. Any help would be much appreciated.
Cheers Dave (Shakey.)
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2008 12:25 pm    
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Hi Dave, i'm thinkin it's got something to do with the format of your sound not bein compatible with youtube's player. Can you change the format to see if that helps? Perhaps others can chime in here and offer some tips.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2008 3:08 am    
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As mentioned, it's unlikely it's the sound card. If it sounds OK on your PC after it's been "recorded" to the PC then it's something else.

Record whatever you are recording as a wav file first, don't record it as an MP3 as there is some loss with MP3's.
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Dave Seddon


Leicester, England.
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2008 1:07 pm    
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Thank you Andy & Jack, The way I normaly do things is to record straight on to "Movie Maker" then upload to Youtube. Yes it sounds fine on my computer (WMV) but on youtube it sounds totally different, distorted, muffled, I don't know but not nice. I'm not sure what you mean Andy when you say "Format not being compatable with Youtube player"? Is there a way of setting these things up or is it "just do the best you can."
Cheers Dave. (Shakey)
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