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Author Topic:  George (or Georgie Janack) anyone know him?..........
Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2008 7:29 am    
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Here's a shot taken at the old Foothill Club at a benefit with a very young left handed guitarist named "Little Georgie" Janack. Does anyone know whatever happened to him? Since this was almost thirty years ago I assume he went on to become a good picker as he didn't do bad for a little kid. He also played Dobro and I'd heard that he was having a pedal steel made which had short legs so he'd be able to play it..... I don't think he would have dropped off the radar when he grew up. The guy right behind him on the sunburst Strat is his father, the black Strat player is Jerry Cole, drummer is Bruce MacLachlan, bass player Marty Nell, and me on steel..........JH in Va.

Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2008 12:55 pm    
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Bet this is the guy now:

lots on Google under "George Janack"

There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2008 11:41 am    
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Thanks Fred, that's probably him as there wouldn't be too many out there with that name. I wonder why he became a bass player, when he was a kid he was a pretty good musician...LOL .........JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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