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Author Topic:  Tutorial: Open E/Open D, Part 3 - Octaves 5-2
Ray Langley


Northern California, USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2008 6:30 am    
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If you like to play octaves, this is a very cool tuning. Here are the positions for strings 5 and 2.

The nice thing about octaves that they work well with bare fingers on a standard guitar (in Open E/D), slide guitar, AND lap steel guitar. It is a way to create harmonized melodies in several styles.

Next on the agenda: I would like to make some diagrams for Thirds and Sixths Harmonies. I know that some string combinations may be impractical. I would appreciate any input from others on which strings sets are most useful for harmonies in this tuning family.

I believe that if you want to sound like Jerry Byrd, you MUST play in C6 and if you want to sound like Don Helms, you MUST play in his chosen tuning. But, if you want to sound like Elmore James, J.B. Hutto, or Hound Dog Taylor, then Open D or Open E is the ticket. And, there ain't nuthin' wrong with that!!!
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