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Author Topic:  Nashville 112. power and mod questions
Alex Piazza


Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2008 8:26 am    
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Im used to doubling on guitar and steel through a 40 watt hot rod deluxe in medium to sometimes larger sized clubs. For many years this setup has worked. I dont know if my band is getting louder or im requiring more stage volume due to hearing issues.regardless, im in the market for just a tad bit more headroom. Ive finally decided to start lugging two amps to the gigs.

Im assuming that the 112 will have plenty of power because im always miked and Ive gotten used to a low watt tube amp that breaks up early. Im curious as to what some of these mods do to this amp. Im assuming that they add a little warmth? Wich I might like being accustom to tube amps. Also, How much do the mods cost?

Ive posted in the WTB section, so If anybody has a 112 they want to sell let me know. Thanks.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2008 1:04 pm    
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The only "mod" that I'm aware of for the Nashville 112 is to replace the original preamp board Op Amps with Burr Brown OPA2604's.

I tried them in my 112 and my Nashville 112 didn't sound like a Nashville 112 anymore, it cleaned it up "too much" and sort of, to me, made it sort of "sterile". I tried it on two jobs, with steel, and couldn't find a setting I liked so I went back to the original OP Amps. However, there are those that have installed the OPA2604's and like them and think they improve the Nashville 112.

The op amp that Keith Hilton uses in his volume pedal is a Burr Brown "one op amp" version of the OPA2604 which has two op amps in the IC package. Keith told me he hears about the same thing with the OPA2604, compared to the one op amp package (I forget what the IC number is) in his Volume Pedals.
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Alex Piazza


Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2008 8:48 am    
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Well, Ive found a 112 with the burr brown mods. Its on the way. Im just excited to have an amp desined for steel.
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