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Hats Off to Ray Qualls and the KSGA (Kansas)

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 12:14 am
by Lynn Carney
I just want to send out a shout to Ray Qualls and the KSGA members - thank you for hosting the KSGA Route 66 Show this weekend. Saturday and Sunday I had the priviledge of attending your wonderful show.

The steel music was truly remarkable, fresh and amazing, and the back-up band second to none. What a fantastic, professional job by all.

Mr. Rob Parker and Mr. Roy Rosetta deserve much praise for their invaluable contribution to yet another great steel event. These gentlemen are absolute treatures in their dedication to the steel family.

Miss Norma Jean Lucas, president of our SSSGC, you're just special wherever you are, girl - a little worker bee - and this event was no exception.

And of course, magic happened when Fred Justice sang. :) Ladies swooned. But I missed getting some of his potato soup. Fred, maybe you'll bring it to our SSSGC Convention in April???? :wink:


Ray Qualls, the newest member of the Kansas Steel Guitar Hall of Fame.

And also congratulations to Fred Justice for receiving the Pioneer Award.


Bobby Garrett


Bill Myrick & Larry Garrett


Norma Jean Lucas showing off her award for all her hard work and dedication.


"And the winner is ...?"

This weekend, clearly the audience was the winner. Well done, guys and gals.



Posted: 6 Oct 2008 4:27 am
by Charles Barnett
Hey Mr. Ray-----Thanks for a great show this year.
I had a great time visiting with all the steel players and the food was great and the price was right. God Bless you and have a GREAT DAY!!!

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 6:03 am
by Dana Stewart
Hi Lynn. It was nice getting to meet you this weekend. Thank you for posting the wonderful pictures and for coming out to help support the KSGA.


Posted: 6 Oct 2008 10:19 am
by Lynn Carney
Thank you, Dana. It was a pleasure meeting you too. Y'all have much to be proud about in that fine club.

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 1:00 pm
by Jody Sanders
Way to go Ray. Jody.

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 2:29 pm
by Lynn Carney
~bump~ for the KSGA :)

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 3:02 pm
by ray qualls
Charles & Jody, thank you so much. And Lynn thank you for doing a great job and thanks to all the SSSGC members who were there to help and provide support. It was a great show! Ray


Posted: 6 Oct 2008 4:09 pm
by Norma Jean Lucas
I want to add also congratulations to Ray and Fred. I have never been to a better show. I apprecaite the plaque that was given to me for my small part of helping at the door. My highlight was the Sunday Morning church service with The Hanleys. I got to hear my favorite which is (Let Us Have A Little Talk With Jesus) which Jerry and his deep bass voice does great! They also did (I've Never Been This Homesick Before) which I'm requesting to be programed for the SSSGC show in April. This should be enough of a notice, you think? Hey I also got to hear Fred and Mike McGee sing. They did great. Also I got Happy Birthday played to me by my favorite piano player, Mr. Roy Rosetta. Also I got to see the first steel player I played music with which this was his first time to ever play or attend a steel show. He did great. Just a great big thanks to all the KSGA staff and members. Thanks Dana for all your help too.

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 4:52 pm
by Jeremiah Hanley
Thanks, Norma Jean for all your kind words. And we'll be sure and include those 2 songs in our program at Siloam Springs. I agree, the weekend was a great one! Seeing friends and hearing steel music makes for a super fun time!
Jerry and Venda

Posted: 6 Oct 2008 4:58 pm
by Dana Stewart
I would also like to say congrats to Ray and Fred on their awards!

Norma, I owe you for all your hard work at the door. I'll try to make it up to you at the Siloam Show, by working hard for you. It was really nice getting to visit with you this weekend.


Posted: 7 Oct 2008 8:26 am
by Fred Justice
Hi everyone, just got home last night and wanted to say what a great weekend I had there at the Baxter Springs show, what a show.
I want to thank the KSGA for the Pioneer Award they gave me, what a surprise that was!!
Thanks to the back up band, GREAT JOB guys.
Thanks to the gals and guys working the kitchen this year, you took real good care of me.
Also thank you to everyone that came by my booth, and a special thanks to those that bought something. You saved yourself from me coming to your house and eating all your food for a few weeks. The money was well spent on GAS!!!
All in all a great show again and I'm already planning for next years trip.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 9:26 am
by Rob Parker
A hearty Amen to the above posts,
I am back home now..for a day or so..
Mr Ray,the KSGA staff, and volunteers did another super job, in promoting, and delivering to the fans, another great show..packed with great music, super good food, and visiting, and meeting friends, and making new ones.
My thanks to each and every one of you that came, and supported the efforts of this club.Everyone did a splendid job. The ladies, and men who worked in the food preparation, and serving, had their hands full..and had to work very hard to perform the many jobs they performed, and were busy as bees most of the time.
And Mr Randy, thank you for your effort, and expense of pulling your cooker down again, to cook the things on the cooker.
Kudos to all..and I won't try to name everyone, but the pickers did a fantastic job with their music.And Mr Dalton played two solos, to add to the show..great job..
The staff band was on top of their game, and played tirelessly to support the players..I hope they are back next year..and I hope it works out that Mr Roy and Miss Barbara can return.He is the "creme'dela creme" of the piano players.
And congratulations to Mr Ray, and Mr Fred for their award recognition.. and I know they each deserve the awards..
The club is already working on next years show, so start making will be here before you know it...
Thank you again, and I appreciate the invite, and I am looking forward to coming back again..
Peace to all of you....
RP...'come on in'...

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 10:36 am
by Keith Hilton
Rob, you did a great job as Master of Ceremonies. It takes team work to keep a show moving and on time. Rob, you will have to agree that this is growing into one of the best shows in the Nation.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 2:17 pm
by Roy Rosetta
I would like to thank Ray, and all of the KSGA organization for allowing me to be a small part of this great show. The steel guitarist were superb, my fellow back up musicians were a joy to work with and all of Ray's sisters and other ladies who worked so hard in the kitchen were "on top of their game", the food was delicious all three days. Heck, I looked up at one point and saw Barbara working in the kitchen with Donna Newberry and Dana Stewart, having a great time, along side of all the other ladies that helped make this show such a joy.
Barbara and I had a super time. We met many, many wonderful people who made these two Texans feel right at home. We are already making our plans to return again next year if The Good Lord is willing.
Again thanks for having us and we hope to see you soon, maybe at another show, in some other part of this great country.
One more thing before I close. We, Barbara and I, would like to congratulate Ray Qualls for his induction into the Kansas Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. There are many steel guitarist who deserve to be placed into the various Hall's of Fame across this wonderful U.S.A., but none more deserving than Ray.
....Roy and Barbara

KSGA Route 66 show. Saturday 10:10-10:40 Set

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 5:44 pm
by Bobby DeMoss
Hey Roy Rosetta, just wanted to say what a great honor it was for me to get to pick with you on stage.
I and wife Rita wished we had more time to visit with you and Barbara but I had to do a show that evening so we had to rush out after our set.
I and my wife Rita agree after listening to you for many years now at the ISGC in St. Louis, that you are the best Keys player we have ever heard. You sit up there on that stage for days and you never waiver, never faulter, never seem to tire out, just play flawlessly artist after artist, song after song.
Your one of our musician heros and I hope to get to pick with you again next year at the KSGA in Baxter Springs, Kansas. God Bless and hope to see you all soon.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 6:30 pm
by Lynn Carney
I'd like to add that it was great to see our friends Bob and Trish Dell, and Mrs. Ivan Ward.

Dana, Donna, Jerry and family, we've enjoyed watching Austin's steelin' since he was a pup. What a remarkable young man he has become. Now a bass picker too. :)

Thank you, Austin, for giving 200%. We know you loved every moment - and it showed. Well done, Champ.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 6:59 pm
by Jerry Foster
Wow!! what a great show, I thank each and everyone for the privilage to sit in & pick with such great talent. I am Awed buy the backup band, ray, I am looking forward to next year already :D again I say thanks & God bless everyone. Jerry & Dee F.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008 9:19 pm
by Casey Lowmiller
It was one heckuva great show!!!

It seems to get bigger & better each year...and the food is always great too!!!


Posted: 7 Oct 2008 9:42 pm
by Rob Parker
Yes Mr Keith, I agree.
The "66" jam, and show is already one of the top shows anywhere, and it keeps getting better, thanks to dedicated artists,such as yourself and the many others who give of their time, and talents.
And also because of the dedicated work of the leadership, staff and the many volunteers, of the KSGA ,who work long and hard to bring a quality production to the fans...
And also a big'thank you' to the fans who continue to support the show..
It is a 'combined effort', from many people.Kudos to all of you...and with all of the combined efforts, the show will continue to grow and prosper....and be like the "Worlds Fair". Get bigger, and better every year....
Peace and good health...
RP...'come on in'...

Posted: 8 Oct 2008 5:26 am
by Curt Shoemaker
Thanks, to the KSGA group for a great show. Back-up band, you were tops. Congratulations Ray on your Hall of Fame award. You deserve it for the many years you've promoted the steel guitar, and it's players. Thank you fans for your support of this great show.

Posted: 8 Oct 2008 2:30 pm
by Kenny Burford
Ray and everyone that was at the show thanks for providing such great entertainment.

Posted: 8 Oct 2008 11:43 pm
by Chad Jones
I had a BLAST also! I took a bunch of pics but just havent had time to get them posted..Will try to get them posted Saturday.

Posted: 9 Oct 2008 9:38 am
by Larry Garrett
Ray and all the folks at KSGA, Let me add my praise for a job well done.

Great music, warm hospitality, yummy food, good fellowship, and fantastic weather, even with a little rain. Each year I think the show couldn't get any better but somehow it does. I had a wonderful time.


Posted: 9 Oct 2008 4:38 pm
by Larry Gerdeman
To all the gang in Kansas; I would like to add my thanks. The band was great, the steel players were great, and Rob Parker did his usual great job as M.C. and singing. The highlight of the show for me was getting to play with Roy Rosetta. I also thought it was great having a steel player the caliber of Austin playing bass for me. Thanks again for having me at your show. I'm looking forward to next year

Posted: 10 Oct 2008 8:21 am
by Chad Jones
I have a few pics from Saturday posted now on my photosite. Click on the view photos link then find the steel folder. Just click on the folder to view pics individually. dont click the view show option. IT takes too long.

I have more pics of Austin but I didnt post them. Im working on a special project for him and didnt post all of his pics.