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Drew Howard

Post  Posted 4 Sep 2008 7:34 pm    
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Click on the pic to zoom in, it's a high res photo. Look at the f-holes! $5000 Gibson custom shop model.
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2008 8:23 pm    
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Isn't that the Alex Lifeson model? I was never crazy about Geddy Lee's vocals, but Lifeson is a monster!
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Leslie Ehrlich

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2008 9:23 pm    
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It's an ES 355. The 355 was the top of the line model in the thinline semihollow ES range of guitars. Lifeson started playing the 355 in the late 1970s. In Rush's early days he played a sunburst ES 335.
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2008 10:07 pm    
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Drew's right about the F-holes, though---Look like somebody cut 'em out with a pocketknife.
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 1:44 am    
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Here's a link to someone's experience ordering one, and being disappointed:
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Marc Jenkins

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 7:39 am    
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I worked at a shop that sold Gibson guitars for 3 years a while back. Finish problems like those F-holes are just one of the many problems coming out of the Gibson electric factory these days. Add to the list: frets not properly seated, poor nut slots, TERRIBLE solder joints (like wires falling off the back of volume/tone pots) and nuts and screws several turns off of tight. Sometimes the custom shop models were the worst offenders!

Good thing the kids think they're so cool...
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 8:00 am    
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re: those f holes-----sure, you'd like to think that something with the name 'Gibson' would be better crafted and something with the name 'Gibson Custom Shop' even more carefully crafted.
But then---wouldn't you think that something calling itself the 'Marketing Department' or the 'Department of PR'----the people responsible for publishing this promotional photo----wouldn't you think they would have themselves a closer look at the material they are putting out??!! It is laughable that somebody thought that this was a slick looking presentation. But as per Marc, they are probably not looking to appeal to anyone deeper than an overawed kid (with a gob of $$ in his pocket---that's an adult sized price tag.)
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 8:23 am    
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They're turning out $#!@, but the people still flock to buy.

Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me. This is what you get when you invite MBA's into a corporation to "maximize profit".

Obviously, their "custom shop" is replete with many fancy NC machines, but entirely devoid of people with any pride in their work.

"Oh, we did away with inspectors because they didn't add any value to the product."
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Glenn Suchan


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 9:55 am    
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One more reason to play a Cort guitar: Way better quality at a way lower price.

Check out the Cort "Yorktown" and "Source" Very Happy

A review of the Cort "Yorktown":

A review of the Cort "Source":

Keep on pickin'!
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 11:09 am    
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When Henry Jusciewick(sp?) took over at Gibson, QC was in the toilet. Henry's first move was to raise prices. THEN he fired all the execs. A good Gibson plays, and sounds, and looks, like no other guitar. But since the company's inception, quality control has always been spotty. 50's mandolins? Bow-Tie banjos? The adjustable bridges on the acoustics??
If it costs enough, it's GOT to be better, right? RIGHT???
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Ellis Miller


Cortez, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 1:44 pm    
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I am glad I bought my 335 in 1972. I have refretted it and aside from some finish check and a battle scar from a biker bar in Portland it is almost like new.
Ellis Miller
Don't believe everything you think.
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Rick Kornacker

Dixon Springs, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 14 Sep 2008 10:48 am     "Gibson quality???"
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Having played guitar prior to becoming hopelessly intrigued by pedal steel, I've owned a number of Gibson guitars.Most of them were not close to being what a good guitar should be...three Les Pauls..brand new...not one a "player". Had a great friend back in the 70's that bought a '58 LP Standard from a guy that had it under his bed for years and didn't know what he had, but was apparently OK with the $300 he got for it. What an axe....nothing else like it except one just like it...few and far between. Nothing Gibson made even close to it since the "real thing". "Historic Flametop"? Having talked with Bill Rudolph of Williams guitar regarding the "nice" maple...Gibson probably had $200 into the bookmatched top. All the hype about how expensive and rare that "5AAAAA" top was, and only $8000.00 for their great replica. Marketing was and still is Gibson's forte. To all of our vaunted rock stars who have owned and played the "real thing"...believe me, there are extraordinary characteristics that account for the desirability(and even the cost?)As for me, I now own a Fender American Deluxe Tele, perfect in every way...and well worth what little I paid for it(compared to you know what!)Just had to get it off my chest! Respectfully submitted, RK
"think LESS"
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Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 14 Sep 2008 12:35 pm    
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I have a couple of ES-137's that were made in the last couple of years, and they are really nice guitars. Being an engineer, I'm a stickler for quality, and I'm happy with the 137's. They play and sound great too, so all Gibson's are not junk.

But, that being said, I have some Ibanez hollow bodies in my collection, that are probably just as good, at about a third of the price.
Darvin Willhoite
MSA Millennium, Legend, and Studio Pro, Reese's restored Universal Direction guitar, a restored MSA Classic SS, several amps, new and old, and a Kemper Powerhead that I am really liking. Also a Zum D10, a Mullen RP, and a restored Rose S10, named the "Blue Bird". Also, I have acquired and restored the plexiglass D10 MSA Classic that was built as a demo in the early '70s. I also have a '74 lacquer P/P, with wood necks, and a showroom condition Sho-Bud Super Pro.
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 14 Sep 2008 1:28 pm     Ravenwest Guitars
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I have to point out that I am associated with. and have in interest in promoting this company, and therefore everything I write about them must be read with a certain amount of suspicion. But I'm really going to be as objective as possible here.

First, I have to point out that I am not an actually employee, and do not get paid in money. I offer tips and advice. (The company's owner inherited it from his step father, and while he knows how to run the business, he does not play himself, and needs a guitarist to advise him from time to time.) In return for this advice I periodically get a free guitar. So if I was not satisfied with the quality of the instruments there would be no point in my continuing to be involved with the company.

I honestly believe that Ravenwest guitars are every bit as good as guitars costing many times more. The guitars are made in Korea and Indonesia to our specifications and we import them and sell then directly over the internet, bypassing the normal retail chain, thereby bringing the cost way down and passing the savings along to our customers.

I currently do not own any Gibson guitars, but the big brand names in my collection include Fender, Gretsch, Guild, Ibanez, Jackson, and Music Man (The early ones made be Leo Fender) I honestly cannot tell any difference in quality between my Ravenwests and the big name brands.

In fact, a freind has a Ravenwest 350 (PRS copy) and a Gibson les Paul, and prefers the Ravenwest.

Unfortunately, since we only sell over the internet, there's no way to try one out before you buy one (unless you come to my house and look at mine) but every Ravenwest guitar comes with a money back guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied.

Please forgive me for hyping my own company, but I really do like the guitars. They really are that good.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
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Chris Forbes


Beltsville, MD, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2008 1:19 pm    
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I currently own 4 Gibsons and all are fine guitars. HOWEVER!!!!! I went through and test drove MANY MANY MANY Gibsons before I gleefully found the ones I have now. Which is kinda annoying though, I had to play who knows how many before I was thrilled to find those needles in the haystack that I have. Before buying the 50th Anniversary Tele that is my main guitar, I think I only played four Tele's before I found a keeper.
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