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Author Topic:  Paolo Tofani & Indian music @
Giorgio Robino

Genova, Italy
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2008 9:18 am    
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Just Today (me gulty) I discovered for chance Poalo Tofani new music here:

This great artist now play a sort of indian music with (home?)-made strange guitar-like instruments... that could remind what I listen plyed by Pandit Debasish Bhattacharya ( ).

BTW, there is someone here know him ?

In '70s He have been part of the myth Italian progressive rock named AREA ( ); an incredible group, probably the most important "rock era" times band in Italy immo. Area have been important because lirics (with strong political "revolutionary" message) and because music experimentations contents mainly (immo) because the powerful lead (singer) late lamented Demetrio Stratos ( ). BTW, I loved so much Demetrio: he was at the same time revolutionary and a meditative person: Last year I watched on Italian TV a documentary about him: really moving: he have been so unique! and sweet, so sincere in his research (not only exploring possibilities of human voice)... the awful irony of sort was the cancer on his throat ... that gave hime death (If I well remember).

Anyway, After Demetrio death, Area continued to live with a jazz-oriented drift but just the guitarist, Paolo Tofani absolutely disappeared fro many year from "show" scenes ...

I read few years ago i somewhere that he became a Hare Krsna (the Induist spiritual practice) convinced devote (personally I prefer Jiddu Krishnamurti view ... I'm joking).

So, apparently the musical story of Paolo Tofani ended with Area experience. I was wrong. I now become aware he continued his musical path ( ).
Simply he disappeared from pop-rock show business...!

A part mentioned Bhattacharya, I feel Paolo Tofani, along john McLaughlin with his Shakti ( ), Laraaji ( ), late lamented harpist Alice Coltrane ( ), belong to that set of western muscian that realize mystical fusion with the Oriental feeelings in a pure personal journey.

Very glad to find you Paolo!

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