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JR Ross

New Mexico, USA
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2008 11:56 am    
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First of all the way I understand it is that this change is usually on Pedal 4 and it lowers both the 6th string G# to F# as well as the 5th string B to A which is a whole step on both strings. . Is this correct? Also how is it used? Do you rock onto it with another pedal or lever or do you use it by itself in most cases. Do you feel it would be a good addition to mysteel setup on a universal 12? Do you think I could get a lot of use out of this change?
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Wayne Wallett


Shermans Dale, PA USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 9:42 am     Franklin Change Usage
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Hello JR,
Try using it from your A+B pedals down to play the #1 Chord (i.e. D fret w/ A+B down = G major #1 chord.) Using strings 4,5,6 release A+B pedals and press #4 pedal Franklin pedal, release #4 and press down A+B again. Darryl Singletary's 'I Never Go Around Mirrors' intro uses it this way believe it was Mike Johnson on the cut. There are other usages but maybe someone else would like to chime in. The full Franklin change also drops 10th a full tone. Works nice to lower 5 & 10 with #4 pedal and lower the 6th on RKL, that way they are split and more flexible with what you can do. Good luck,
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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 9:54 am    
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on fret 0 the PF pedal is handy if you play in D
the root is on string 9 & having the Bs lowered to A gives you the 5th tone
on fret 0, you can play in B & have the Bs down to A for a dom7
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JR Ross

New Mexico, USA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 11:26 am     Reply to Wayne
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Wayne thanks for clarifying the Franklin pedal. When you said the 10 string is nice to lower also did you mean the B to an A as on a 10 string? My guitar (12 string) has the G# in the 10 string position.
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Kyle Everson


Nashville, Tennessee
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 8:19 pm    
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This change comes in handy for playing rhythm, especially rock power chords. Hit pedal 4, strings 8 & 10 for an A power chord at the nut (same chord position as AB pedals position).

Crowbear, thanks for that string 9 example!
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2008 12:49 am    
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this topic shows up every now and then and a search will reveal many threads.

This change, which lowers 5,6 and 10 a whole step, in my opinion, should be standard on every E9th Steel.

Here is a clip I did for a friend about a year back explaining some basic uses.

On my website are a few project tunes which use the PF as well, if you have a minute, take a listen.

I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

I Can't help It

An excellent change .

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Bryant Aycock


Pikeville, North Carolina
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2008 12:33 pm     PF on JD
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Hey Guys,
I want to add the Franklin pedal, at least partially. I use the Jimmy Day set-up. Which pedal/kl should I put it on. Is it a stand alone pedal or used in combination with others. I like what it's doing, but obviously don't know a lot about it.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2008 8:37 pm    
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I play Day setup also. Unless you are adding a pedal (pedal zero as some call it) to the left of the C pedal (#1 in our case), you will have to place it on pedal 4, assuming you have a D-10 or S-10 with 4 or more pedals. I have the CD that Paul put out on this pedal and he recommends it be placed next to the A pedal, although he has it next to his C pedal. EDIT: I guess it could be placed on a lever, but make sure you pay attention to the info in the paragraph after the next one. Most have it on the floor though.

I had it on my pedal 4, but I wanted to change what was also on that pedal on my C6th neck, and the 5 pulls were too hard to balance out. I have a pedal for the zero position on my D10 and I am going to install it and put the Franklin pedal there.

Also be aware that you want to be able to use this pedal along with the lever that lowers your E's to D#. Keep this in mind also if you use the split version of the Franklin pedal where you just lower the B's to A and have the 6th string G# to F# on a knee. The G# to F# change and the E lowers need to be on different knees.

Is it a stand alone pedal or used in combination with others.

To the best of my knowledge, it is not used with the 3 standard floor pedals as it activates the same strings affected by the 3 pedals. The only lever Paul mentioned (if I remember right) used with the Franklin pedal was the E lowers. But somehow I think people use others with it that Paul doesn't mention on his CD.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 14 Aug 2008 1:09 am    
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I have had this pedal in two positions(two different guitars) one to the right of the C Pedal on Ped 4 and my current Steel to the left of the A Ped , which is referred to as the 0 Ped position. I personally prefer it to the left of the A Ped but there are no rules.
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Bryant Aycock


Pikeville, North Carolina
Post  Posted 14 Aug 2008 4:53 am     Thanks!
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Thanks for the info, guys. I just recently bought a Sho-Bud Super Pro and if I have the extra hardware, I'll try it. I think, first, I'll put it on my "0" pedal if I have the hardware.
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