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Goodrich 480 light pedal problem

Posted: 30 Jul 2008 2:42 pm
by M. Esta Theobald
I was wondering if anyone has an old model 480. A friend of mine has one that does not turn all of the way off when the pedal is back and does not seem to turn all of the way on to full volume when the pedal is forward. I presume that the piece which either blocks or allows light to the photocells is out of alignment. The pedal does have the correct bulb in it and the travel distance seems correct. Any ideas on how to rectify this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Posted: 30 Jul 2008 5:14 pm
by John Bresler
Here's a link to a discussion about a Goodrich Light Beam Pedal that may help with your diagnosis. Maybe someone will chime in that owns one.
