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James Leaman


Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2008 1:53 pm    
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I hope this in the right section, but I recently got BIAB and am a bit overwhelmed with the depth of the program. I would appreciate any help or tips on streamlining making backing tracks. I have done a couple but am not satisfied with the result and the length of time it takes me. Any help would be appreciated. Jim
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2008 2:29 pm    
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First step is to have an accurate chord chart
Be sure you know how many measures or beats each chord lasts for
For example, Truck Drivin' Man in E
E E7 A A
E E B7 B7
E E7 A A
B7 B7 E E
(Chorus is the same)

At the end of the song we want a tag so we'll use the last line with one little modification
B7 B7 E (EBE/)
(last measure has one beat E one beat B and the last two beats E)

That is the complete blueprint for the song
We will play the intro, three times through Verse/Cho, and then the tag

Type those chords into the first 4 meas (intro) and then the next 16 (verse).

Type the verse in again (16 meas) and that will be the chorus. So far you have 4+16+16 = 36 measures

Type the tag into measures 37 through 40.

Hit the 'S' button to the right of the Song Title. There are lots of settings but the most important ones are 'Tag Exists' and 'Generate Ending'. Uncheck 'Generate Ending'. Be sure 'Tag Exists' is checked, then tell it to begin the tag at measure 37 and end at measure 40.

Below the 'S' button (Song Settings) you'll see three buttons with numbers on them. The first two set the Looped function -- the first one is where the loop begins. We have a 4 bar intro, so the loop starts at measure 5. Click the first numbered button (right of the tempo and below the 'S' button). Click on the 5th measure and '5' should appear on the button. Click the second button and click on measure 40. Now '40' should appear on the second button. The third button is the number of loops that will play. Click the third button and choose 3.

Now, it will
Play the intro (B B E E)
Play the verse
Play the chorus
Repeat Verse Chorus two more times (3 total)
Play the tag (B B E (EBE/) )

Now, choose a style
Click on the 'Style' button on the upper left
You can audition styles by using the 'Preview' button at the top of the Style Selector. I listened to a bunch and 'Country 2 beat swing' worked for me.
It is abbreviated C_2BT_SW in the list.

Band in a Box is a complicated program, if you want to tap the power that's there. You can also view the tutorials that are included. There are even a few tutorials on YouTube.

Good luck. EMail me directly if you have more questions.
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John McGlothlin


Post  Posted 27 Jul 2008 2:33 pm    
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Jim...I'll tell ya what has helped me a lot with making backup tracks with BIAB. First I'll find a midi file that I'm a little familiar with and download it to a folder and then open BIAB then click on file and then click on midi and find the midi file you downloaded and open should show all the chords for the song. Then I save it and then open BIAB again and create the backing track according to the chord arrangement in the midi file...of course now you may want to adjust the timing and maybe change the style to get the sound your looking for. I do this a lot but I have found that all midi files are not in the right key in which they are listed and sometimes the chords are not allways correct.

Richard Damron

Gallatin, Tennessee, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2008 2:43 pm    
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James -

Larry Bell has nicely walked you through your first composition. There's a lot of free information available from PG Music. They have a forum - free to join - so you might give it a look-see. Might be of value to you. Just "google" PGMusic and you'll find the forum with no problem.


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Papa Joe Pollick

Swanton, Ohio
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2008 3:12 pm    
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James,You ain't alone.I've been using BIAB for over 3 yrs. and I'm still learning..Just don't get in a big rush..Here is a guy that can help you get going..Give it a look and see if it helps..Well,I know it will..
Good luck and keep asking questions..We will all help as much as we can.. Very Happy ..PJ...
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James Leaman


Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 3:46 am    
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Thanks guys, this should be a big help. I know it will take a while to become godd at it.....but so did PSG! Jim
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Andy Jones

Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 6:41 am    
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James,I know how you feel.I bought one last year at the Dallas show and I'm completely overwelmed.I'm trying to learn the PSG,not the BIAB.I just don't have time for the both of them.Maybe if I ever get to retire I will have time to figure the thing out.
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John Bresler R.I.P.


Thornton, Colorado
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 7:16 am    
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Get a hold of Big Jim Baron and get his "4100+" song CD. You won't be disappointed. Big Jim has compiled 4100+ ready made BIAB songs including the tracks for the Buddy Emmons version of Danny Boy.

Big Jim is also a BIAB dealer and guru and can assist you with any problems you may have. His email is

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 8:35 am    
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Andy-I got Big Jim's BIAB backup songs on CD a few years ago and they are great. Most of them have nice chords, etc. You can set the speed and Key you want to play along with. I have changed some of the chords to suit me or the endings and that is about it. Jim has all the songs your ever want. Well worth
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Andy Jones

Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 11:00 am    
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Thanks,John and Al.I bought the thing from Big Jim at Dallas and I do remember him saying there was a CD included with several thousand songs on it.It's been a while since I tinkered with the BIAB.I'll get in touch with Jim and see if he can get me up to speed.

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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 11:53 am    
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I’m not trying to be sarcastic here just helpful.
Unless you have a pirated version, a big juicy informative Instruction Book comes with BB. You can read the book and become an expert overnite.
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Papa Joe Pollick

Swanton, Ohio
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2008 12:00 pm    
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Laughing You must be a "fast reader" Bo. Laughing
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2008 9:00 am    
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BIAB also has some pretty in depth help files built into it. Between the help files and George Wixon's website you can figure out quite a bit on your own and learn as you go.
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BIAB Styles
Ray Price Shuffles for

by Jim Baron