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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 19 Jul 2008 7:35 am    
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Bo plays an instrumental on the Steel he calls Arizona, Arizona. I never ask him until he played last night about the words and he said he couldn’t get a singer to try to sing that song. I ask Bo what the name of the group that did the song so I could look it up. He told me to go into his computer and look for a group called Truck Stop.

I found in his computer a lot of stuff by this group, so much so I would have to say it was Bo's favorite Band and also why he couldn’t get a singer to sing the song.

I looked this group up on YouTube and I see why Bo likes or liked them so much.

I can’t get Bo to tell me much about Truck Stop.
I would like to know more about this group especially the PSG player or players.

Here are some YouTubes of the group over the years.
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Howard Tate

Leesville, Louisiana, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Jul 2008 8:52 am    
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They're good pickers, but no matter how loud I played it I still couldn't understand the words. Confused
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