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Author Topic:  Seeking video clips/photos of steel & bottleneck player
Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 15 Jul 2008 11:27 am    
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The Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, CA is mounting a "Slide Guitar" exhibition in October. It should a be really cool look at all genres with a lot of vintage and modern instruments on display and a concert series.

II will be creating a multimedia introductory piece for the exhibition. Despite their being part of NAAM, they're a non-profit with little budget and no official sponsors for the lap steel show.

Does anyone have vintage steel music and musician photos that you own that you would lend for this piece? Also seek vintage video - Hawaiian. blues, Western Swing. Each clip will likely be on-screen for minimal time - maybe :30.
These need to be cleared for rights or so old that rights are a moot point. I'm really interested to get Speedy West, Marion Hall and Joaquin footage as well as Sol and other hawaiian players. I'm checking Youtube and following up with clip posters as well.

Contact me through the forum if you care to help. Thanks!
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