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Author Topic:  Single Double and Triple Raise / Lower?
Richard Chapman


Saratoga, New York, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2008 7:57 am    
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Could someone explain to me what exactly this means? I have an old Sho-Bud 6148 that I have added levers to, but am looking to get another guitar. What does mine have in relation to this and what are the benefits? Thanks again.

I put this in the wrong forum in error, but don't know how to move it. Please move. Thank You

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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2008 9:03 am    
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The terms single(found rarely these days), double, and triple raise/lower refer primarily to the ability of the changer on a guitar to raise/lower the same string one/two/or three times. For example, a common configuration is "triple raise/double lower" and, using the 4th string as an example, the fourth string can be raised with 3 different changes and lowered with 2 different changes. A more specific E9th tuning example might be- raise the 4th string a half step to an F with the "F" lever, raise it a whole step to and F# with the "C" pedal, and raise it a whole step with a lever that simply raises it to an F# w/o also raising the 5th string as does the "C" pedal. The 4th string can also be lowered twice- ie. - by the "D" lever to a D# and perhaps by some less traditional change that the player might consider. A number of changers are capable of being a triple/triple, etc. even going so far as a 5/5 (Excel) and frequently with those that are limited to a double/double or double/single can usually have that limitation raised by modifications in the area of the pulling mechanisms (bellcranks,etc) etc. in the undercarriage of the guitar or slight modifications to the changer itself. An exception to this is the ShoBud "rack and barrel" system which, upon initial exam, looks like a single/single but was designed to pull any string any number of times by the undercarriage design.
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2008 9:30 am    
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When I read the topic I thought is was a single neck steel on a double body, with a triple raise/lower changer.
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Richard Chapman


Saratoga, New York, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2008 12:43 pm    
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As my guitar is rack and barrel, I can see why I did not know now. Thanks

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