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I Finally Got A Real Job!

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 1:46 pm
by Randy Beavers
A few weeks ago I was asked by Forum member Dan Galysh if I'd be interested in working for Lee Ann Womack. After learning the details I decided this was something I wanted to do. She plans on working about 40 days this year and most of these will be on weekends, so I don't have to give up my "other" job. I love to hear Lee Ann sing as she does real country and features the steel. The band is a real treat to work with as well. Great players!

This Friday and Saturday, 6/20 and 6/21 we will be in Lincoln City, Oregon. Next week will be Onamia, MN and Chandler AZ. Check out her website from time to time as they do updates and see if we'll be in your area.

I want to personally thank Dan Galysh and Rusty Danmyer for their recommendation.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 1:51 pm
by Antolina
Congrats Randy :)

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 1:53 pm
by Theresa Galbraith
Congrat's Randy!
I love Womack's voice and she is Country and Steel has been out front on her records.

The RUMOR is................

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 1:53 pm
by Ray Montee
The 'local Oregon boys' (steelers) are rumored NOT to ALLOW outsiders to come in to play in their private territory.

Sorta like the Musicians Union used to do there in Nashville when JERRY BYRD was denied the opportunity to play a job on the OPRY.

Just kidding............the first paragraph that is.

We all WELCOME YOU to Oregon.....and congratulations on that NEW, GREAT job.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 1:59 pm
by Wally Taylor
Hey, it is Lee Ann Womack that is the lucky one and deserves all the grats!! What band, group, person, etc., wouldn't be happy to have Randy in their mist?? :D He is a very talented steeler for sure.


I May Hate Myself In THe Morning But....

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 2:08 pm
by Joey Ace
Congrats Randy! She's one of the best.

Maybe I'll see you out there.


Posted: 17 Jun 2008 2:43 pm
by Bill Simmons
She is a good singer and she now has one of the 'steel guitar greats'! By the way, her song, "Never Again, Again" makes a great steel instrumental.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 3:42 pm
by Damir Besic
great news, and she is country put that Zum to work and play some of that steel pedle gueetar you have there son... :mrgreen:


Posted: 17 Jun 2008 3:54 pm
by R Crow
Way to go Randy! Congratulations, it's about time. I agree with Wally, Lee Ann's the lucky one.


Posted: 17 Jun 2008 4:46 pm
by chris ivey
when randy beavers is excited to get a 'real' job, it is no wonder that i'm not sitting around waiting for someone to call me!! when there are pickers like randy, tommy white, steve palousek and other fairly unknown 'monsters' out there in the wings...well...

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 4:47 pm
by Pete Finney
Congratulations Randy! Sounds like a win/win situation; you got a gig with one of the best "girl singers" out there, and she got a fantastic steel player!

Hope to catch one of your gigs somewhere...


Posted: 17 Jun 2008 5:27 pm
by Mickey Adams
Amidst all the "bad news" we recieve, a glimmer of hope. Randy...Congrats, Nobody deserves an opportunity like this more than you...Good luck, and have fun.....Mickey

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 5:35 pm
by Carl Williams
Congrats on the great opportunity Randy...LeeAnn's music has just been kicked up several notches! Good luck and enjoy the ride... :) Carl
P.S. Nice Birthday present ;-)

Real Job

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 5:37 pm
by Brian Straub

Was listening to your CD over the weekend..a few of my favorite things...very nice playing...some great the version of "you've got a friend"..Congrats on the job...have fun...Everyone could use a real job :D


Posted: 17 Jun 2008 6:40 pm
by Pete Woronowski
Randy, Congrats thats excellent news!
Play well and have fun!

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 6:49 pm
by Kevin Hatton
I'm buying my tickets now. This is really good news.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 7:17 pm
by Chris Schlotzhauer
Pete Finney wrote:Congratulations Randy! Sounds like a win/win situation; you got a gig with one of the best "girl singers" out there, and she got a fantastic steel player!

Hope to catch one of your gigs somewhere...

Plus she's really, really hot!

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 8:21 pm
by Steve Alcott
Good for you, Randy.

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 1:13 am
by Tony Prior
way kool randy, does this mean you get your own parking spot ?

congrats, have fun, travel safe...

if you came anywhere close to us here in NC we will come out and say hey...


Posted: 18 Jun 2008 3:06 am
by Roger Crawford
It's always great to have players like Dan and Rusty sing your praises, too! That it itself would be a very high honor. I'm glad to see that they recognize great talent when they see (and hear) it. Lee Ann is the real winner here.'ll still be able to make St. Louis, I hope!!!

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 3:58 am
by Larry Behm
Randy, Patti and I have tickets for the 5th row. See you there.

Larry Behm

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 4:06 am
by Mark Edwards
You Lucky Dog.....

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 9:17 am
by Roy Rosetta
Hey Randy....I just saw this post, congratulations on what I think would be a great job. She's a winner and more so now that you are working with her. Have a great time and we'll watch her schedule to see if you're coming any where near us at some point.

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 9:54 am
by Duane Dunard
At'a boy Randy! Congrats!!!!

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 11:14 am
by Bo Borland
Way to go Randy!