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Paul Brainard

Portland OR
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2006 11:01 am    
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Anyone familiar with either Surf City or Azalea lap steels? A friend of mine is looking for a cheap but decent starter & these are on Ebay, but I don't know if they're any good. Thanks!
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2006 11:10 am    
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Cheap starts usually end quickly, as the tone generally sux if nothing else, but the homebuilt Dynalaps by Mark Vinbury are an exception.

He's a SGForum member, so do a quick 'search' for info.
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2006 2:36 pm    
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Those are the same Chinese-made lap steels as sold by Musician's Friend under the name Artisan. Do a search on this forum and you'll find several previous discussions of these guitars.
Personally I think these types of steels are an okay (but not great) deal, especially the Artisan EA-2, but for just a bit more money, you can have a fine instrument that will last you a much longer time.

Plus the steels sold on eBay are more expensive than those sold by Musician's Friend (especially since MF has free shipping for most items). Buyer beware!

Brad's Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 20 September 2006 at 03:41 PM.]

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