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Author Topic:  Hank Williams' "Lost Highway" in Norfolk w/ Russ W
Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2008 10:23 am    
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The musical stage play Hank Williams "Lost Highway" is being performed at the Wells Theater in downtown Norfolk, Va. this month from the 1st through the 20th featuring Forumite Russ Wever on his old Gibson double 8 steel guitar.

My wife and I were pleased to go to the 1st performance and were very pleased with the whole show. The cast is outstanding and all those with musical parts were excellent. Russ played that old Gibson steel (standing up) and really nailed those old Don Helm licks to a "T".....

The whole story line was very interesting and interspersed with songs and throughly enjoyable from start to finish. I'd only seen Russ perform at Scotty's Convention on pedal steel and hadn't seen him do anything on non pedal steel before but as the old saying goes, he put the "pedal to the metal" and proved what a professional he is!

If anyone out there is in this area between now and the 20th be sure to make the show at the Wells. You won't be sorry as it's a great experience. If you're in other areas and the show comes to your neck of the woods, be sure to make an effort to see it, especially if Russ is in it.......JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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Bobby Caldwell


St. Louis, Missouri, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2008 1:16 pm    
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My wife, Linda, and I saw the show a few years ago and it is wonderful. What a great night of entertainment for all who go to see the show. The big plus is my brother Russ on steel. He is sooooo!!!!! good. Please tell Russ and the gang "The Caldwell's" said "HI". My best, Bobby
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2008 8:41 am    
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Thanks Bobby, Russ told me that you and he had shared a whole bunch of time on the bandstand and he really admired your playing and was proud to have you as a friend.........JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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