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Author Topic:  New E.G. Smith steel
Fred Kinbom

Berlin, Germany, via Stockholm, Sweden.
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 3:23 pm    
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Dear fellow E.G. Smith stainless steel bar users (and anyone else who is interested ),

I just received a second E.G. Smith steel from Ivan Rosenberg, and it is slightly different from the one I already had. Ivan writes on his website:

In the past, EG made these with a very very slight concave surface that contacted the strings--this was to facillitate pulloffs. But the ones I have in stock are perfectly flat on the bottom, which I definitely prefer.

I had already been thinking of getting a spare E.G. Smith steel, as they aren't so easy to get hold of, and these news on Ivan's site made up my mind. I'm not sure how much difference the concave vs. straight surface makes, apart from the technical (extremely small) variation in pressure on the strings when the bar is straight across all six strings. I noticed that the gripping surface also is a bit different now - even more "matt" so it sticks even better to the hand. I'm not sure which surface I prefer, as I'm so used to my first bar.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this little piece on info on these great bars.

(By the way - I also got Ivan's new CD "Clawhammer And Dobro" - it sounds great!)



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