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Author Topic:  Best Dobro Chord Book? What's your choice.
Brian Tong


California, USA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2008 9:42 am    
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Looking for the best chord book for Dobro tuning AND Open D tuning. What's the best?

Been considering the Stacy Phillips....?
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Bill Hampton


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2008 1:11 pm    
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I'm pretty new to the Dobro and to music period, but I really like Stacy Phillip's Case Chord Book for Dobro. It's one of those small ones, made to fit in your case so you can have it with you when you need it.
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2008 4:03 pm    
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The Stacy book isn't always the clearest - a little bit vague in nature, but it's the best one out there - because it's pretty much the only one out there.

There is a real need for a dobro chord book along the lines of some of the nice regular guitar chord books.

That said, even though the dobro is enjoying it's greatest popularity in history, it is still pretty small potatoes compared to regular guitar, and a comprehensive dobro chord book would be more a labor of love rather than a smart publishing venture. Sad
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Bryan Bradfield

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2008 4:12 pm    
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To find major chords for a dobro tuned in a major triad tuning such as G or D, one does not need a chord book, just some very basic math skills, and a basic understanding of music theory.

I've had the Stacy Phillips chord book for many years, and have filled in my copy with the intervals for all of his chords. The bulk of the entries deal with slants, or pulls, or both. This book is essential for jazz chords such as 6ths, 9ths, 11ths, etc, but is overkill for a beginner looking for basic major chords.

I've never used a chord book for finding the major chords. It has always seemed pretty clear. However, if one is looking for a chord book for dobro, Stacy's is the only one I know of that deals with the specific topic. I believe that all of the tutorials touch on chords in one page or less, but none of them fit in the guitar case.
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2008 4:35 pm    
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I guess I wasn't being very specific in my post, Bryan.

You certainly don't need a book to find major chords, especially in open G tuning.
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