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Mac McKenzie


Auckland, New Zealand * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2008 10:07 pm    
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I have just enjoyed listening to an old tape of Alfred Apaka and his Hawaiian Village Serenaders, the one with Love Song of Kalua, which must have been pretty new at that time. Interesting that they give Pagan Love Song the same treatment as My Hawaiian Song of Love on another tape which I do not have. Question: Does any one know if it is the same steel player on both records or different on each? And of course, who is he?
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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2008 11:12 pm    
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Question: Does any one know if it is the same steel player on both records or different on each? And of course, who is he?

Jules Ah See was the steel guitarist for the recordings of Alfred Apaka. He is the best Hawaiian steel guitarist IMHO

Aloha, Smile
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Roger Shackelton


MINNESOTA (deceased)
Post  Posted 11 Mar 2008 1:28 am    
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Aloha Don,

For me it's a toss up between JULES AH SEE & DAVID KELII.

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Mac McKenzie


Auckland, New Zealand * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 11 Mar 2008 1:47 am    
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Thanks Don - why did I not think it was Jules? The tone of the guitar and that he is not the only one who plays steel with the Village Serenaders. But I have been wrong so many times - I asked Jerry who played the other steel with Jules on a Jack De Mello tape and Jerry said - You're wrong, that is Barney and Billy Hew Len. Ouch! I've always thought Danny Stewart was a pretty smooth player but nothing exciting until I got a 10" LP and on one number he goes for a gallop, I didn't think he could go so fast. I used to tease Eddie Lund by telling him Tahitians should leave the steel guitar alone, they do not have the feeling for it and then out came his "Polynesia" album with some beautiful steel work- " Who played the steel for you?" - Danny Stewart.And so, the tone of the guitar meant that it could have been some one else. I have a fragmented tape of Jules playing at the Alfred Apaka Show which used to be re-broadcasted and you want to hear what he does away from the constraints of Hawaii Calls, a lot of mambo, St. Louis Blues as cha cha, Melody D'Amour as mambo etc. For those that write to the forum as to how do you get the Hawaiian sound the best I could say is to listen to Jules and listen into his playing, his slides up into and down away from notes are slight but any more is too much, his choice of single notes, harmony and chords, his technique of harmonising with a vocalist etc. I too, do not think you can do better than Jules. And yet I still did not recognise him!
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