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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2008 10:38 am    
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On a Fender Super Reverb with 4 ten inch speakers... How are they supposed to be wired and how many ohms is the cabinet when completed. The speakers are Fender Special Design 10" and the label is sort of a brown coler. The speakers don't say what ohm each one is anywhere on it.

Please don't refer me to another website as all I need to know is from the hot side of the jack, where does the wire first go and so forth and so on until it returns to the negative side of the jack. Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks a bunch!......JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2008 9:52 pm    
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Jerry - hit the link below. It's a drawing of exactly how you want to wire it, which would be in parallel to end up with 2-ohms.

It's MUCH easier to follow the simple picture than a written description! Email me if you have any problems.

No chops, but great tone
1930's/40's Rickenbacher/Rickenbacker 6&8 string lap steels
1921 Weissenborn Style 2; Hilo&Schireson hollownecks
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1959 Fender 400 9+2 B6;1960's Fender 800 3+3+2; 1948 Fender Dual-8 Professional
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 9 Mar 2008 5:35 am    
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Jim, thanks for the help buddy, I appreciate it a lot. Also, what is the ohm rating for each individual speaker?.........JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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Pit Lenz

Cologne, Germany
Post  Posted 9 Mar 2008 7:14 am    
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A 2-Ohms cabinet has four 8-Ohms speakers, if wired parallel (as on the diagram above) and all 4 speakers are of the same impedance (as normally).

It´s easy: Always assumed that all speakers are the same,
- two speakers in parallel wiring give half the Ohms of one of them
- four speakers give a quarter Value (half of half) of one.
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Mar 2008 8:44 am    
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Hey, Jerry - one thing I did NOT think about in my email is the fact that those speakers are iin a cab with no even though they say "Fender Special Design" there is a VERY outside chance they may be speakers reconed to 4 or 16 ohms for some particular purpose. It's not uncommon. There's a 99% chance they are 8 ohm speakers (which measure about 7.6 or so on an multimeter), but you should check them just in case.

Also don't forget that speakers have a and - terminal, usually with the "+" marked on one of the tabs or with a colored dot next to it. DO NOT mix up the phasing, or it will sound horrid. In the parallel wiring system you will use, positive always goes to positive.

BTW, for speaker wire DON'T buy speaker wire - especially the stuff in clear insulation (that stuff gets sticky as heck). Speaker wire is also WAY over priced, and many amp builders use "zip cord" - 16 gage wire that cheap extension cords are made from. Just hit Home Depot and buy as many feet as you need off the bulk roll; it's cheaper that way.
No chops, but great tone
1930's/40's Rickenbacher/Rickenbacker 6&8 string lap steels
1921 Weissenborn Style 2; Hilo&Schireson hollownecks
Appalachian, Regal & Dobro squarenecks
1959 Fender 400 9+2 B6;1960's Fender 800 3+3+2; 1948 Fender Dual-8 Professional
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