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Dallas Show-Rains Steel Guitars

Posted: 7 Mar 2008 7:58 am
by Ron Stafford
I'd like to invite everyone to come by the Rains Steel Guitar booth at the Dallas show. Gary Carpenter, Corky Owens, Junior Knight and I will be there throughout the week to help Gary show and demonstrate his fantastic guitars and it will be a great opportunity to see some old friends and make some new ones.
We hope to see you there!

Posted: 8 Mar 2008 8:58 pm
by Scott Kamp
Hey Ron,
Will you have any Rains steels with the Jimmy Day setup at the Dallas show. If I make it there, I would like to try one out.

Posted: 11 Mar 2008 6:20 am
by Ron Stafford
Scott, I sent you a reply to your email. Yes, Corky Owens will have his guitar at the show and it is a Day set-up. Come by and try it out, and be sure and say hello.

Posted: 11 Mar 2008 7:06 am
by Chris Schlotzhauer
I plan on being there if I get out of the frozen north (Green Bay).
See you there Ron.

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 7:58 am
by Scott Kamp
Thanks for your reply Ron. I've heard some good stuff about the Rains guitar, and I will stop by your display to try one out, if I can get to the show. We have a contract on our house and are in the middle of selling it, and if that doesn't interfere with me getting to Dallas, I'll surely stop by.

Day Setup

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 11:48 am
by Bill Simmons Rains SD-10 with the Day setup will be at the booth it all you like...Bill Simmons

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 12:21 pm
by Scott Kamp
Thanks Bill. I may take you up on trying your Rains out. By the way tell Corky Owens that David Varnado is standing here beside me, and says hello, and said Corky is a friend, and a great steel guitar player. David plays fiddle for Neal McCoy, and has played fiddle for several of the top country artist of all times. He's one of the best, and we've been recording my new gospel steel CD here at my studio. I'm trying to talk David into coming to the "Dallas Convention" and playing fiddle with some of you all. Keep your fingers crossed.

Corky -- Rains

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 1:35 pm
by Bill Simmons
Scott...I'll be talking with Corky tonight and will tell him for sure...see you Dallas...Bill Simmons

Love my RAINS

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 7:15 am
by Donald Armstrong
I can't go to DALLAS but wanted to say I purchased a RAINS SD10 in November and I LOVE MY RAINS

Just call Donald Jack "Rains" Armstrong.....LOL


Posted: 15 Mar 2008 11:28 am
I will have a new rains comming in a few days and i am really excited about it. I have owned several of them and all the people there are great guys and make a great guitar as well. You can never go wrong with a nice Rains guitar. Jim

Posted: 17 Mar 2008 5:12 am
by joe long
I bit the bullet and ordered an SD-10 with the Lawrance 705 pickup.

Posted: 18 Mar 2008 12:34 pm
by john buffington
I have a D-10 Rosewood on the way, it will be my second Rain's! Like I've said before: "for me, the search is over!"

John Buffington

Posted: 18 Mar 2008 6:02 pm
by Roy Davis
Ron, it was good to see and hear you play again. I need to get a sticker for this new Rains. WARNING: May cause loss of sleep.