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Steve Dawson DVD "Lapstyle Slide in C tuning"

Posted: 28 May 2006 6:40 pm
by Bill Blacklock
Check out the video, it looks great.

Posted: 28 May 2006 7:10 pm
by Jim Jasutis
I saw a link to this Friday on Rob's site. Ordered it on Saturday. Looks really nice, but I was going to wait to see for sure before I recommended it. Not nearly enough non-bluegrass accoustic steel stuff out there. The clip really looks encouraging.

Posted: 28 May 2006 9:02 pm
by Nick Mesenbrink
I just got this dvd last week but I havent had too much time to go through it yet. So far it seems to be very good but it's a little above my abilities right now. I am working with open D tuning and Steve uses open C (CGCGCD)on the dvd, so I am trying to figure out how to convert between the two. So far, so good though!


Posted: 28 May 2006 10:58 pm
by John Bushouse
Is that really a D on the top, so the interval on the top is a 2nd, rather than a 3rd (i.e., E)? I know Martin Simpson plays bottleneck slide in that tuning a lot.

Posted: 29 May 2006 3:21 am
by Steinar Gregertsen
Judging from the videosample on the website it's definitely a D.


"Play to express, not to impress"
Southern Moon Northern Lights

Posted: 29 May 2006 6:18 am
by Jim Jasutis
So I ordered a copy of the DvD on Saturday. On Sunday I got an Email from Doug Cox, asking where I heard about the company and the lessons. I explained to him about Rob's forum, and mentioned that several of us were leaning open D Weissneborn, but got this DvD even though it was in a different tuning.

Monday morning I got another Email from Doug Cox telling me that the are currently working on another instructional DvD, this time in open D tuning. So, keep checking for the latest news

Posted: 29 May 2006 8:37 am
by Bill Blacklock
I find “C” tuning is the easiest of all to play in, it has a whole different flavour then “D” tuning and there’s a real nice contrast between the two. I’ve always tuned with the third (E) on the skinny string (CGCGCE) up out of the way making it easy to fake minor cords but still hand for a minor third.

I was introduced to Steve last summer by Neil Russell (Steve also plays a Celtic Cross weissenborn) both real nice fellow’s. The scary thing about Steve is he’s so young and plays so well, I think Brozman and Douglas better make some room at the top.

I also see Sam Hurry’s name on “roots music’s” list of DVD’s for sale. Sam took time out from the Rock and Roll business to raise a family in the small town on the B.C coast were I live. Sam is one of those truly blessed people that can say he used to swap licks and hang with Jimmy Hendrix. If the Stones had known about Sammy, Ron Wood never would have had a chance.

Posted: 29 May 2006 9:50 am
by Jim Jasutis
Thanks for the info on C tuning. I am just getting started, and fully intend to try the lessons out as written, not just seeing what works with D. So for all I know I will end up liking C better also.

I have just read so many people saying how nice it is to have a "1" on the skinny string, and faking the minors with a 1-5-1 on the bottom.<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Jasutis on 29 May 2006 at 11:01 AM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Jasutis on 29 May 2006 at 11:02 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 29 May 2006 10:17 am
by Jim Jasutis
Just curious, what string gauges do you use for your C tuning?

Posted: 29 May 2006 11:46 am
by Bill Blacklock
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think there's a finer tuning then "D", for the type of music I like anyways. "D" tuning has that primal haunting tone that all other major tunings seem to lack. With the root on each side of the strings theres always a drone to wack.

There are some good minor cords in a "D" tuning, 3rd fret strings 4-3-1, 8th fret stings 2-3,12th 1st string + 11th fret 3rd string. These can be transfered to other keys

I have always used D'Addario heavies (16 - 56)and there fine for "C", any lighter and the low C gets a little floppy. I do bust the odd E string. I tried some Martin lights a couple of months ago so I could take a "D" shape up to an "E" with out stressing the top, my weissienborn has never sounded better. The light strings really brought out that haunting tone in both "D" and "E", I always thought it was the other way around.

Anyways Im just an old porch picker, best take my advise with a grain of salt.

Posted: 29 May 2006 11:53 am
by Jim Jasutis
My ambition is to some day be, and old porch picker -- :<)

I've already got the old part down pat<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jim Jasutis on 29 May 2006 at 02:06 PM.]</p></FONT>