Hey folks,
I've finally got internet access again. I've been and currently am hospitalized for the last month due to a wrist infection which may or may not be in the bone. I'm avoiding surgery right now as it could cause loss of hand usage but, it may come to that. After losing regular guitar to arthritis and then finding steel I won't be very happy to lose that too. So guys, please put out good vibes that surgery won't be necessary. I did some playing yesterday and that reminded me to keep hope alive (ack sounds cliche).
I have to say steel has kept me going through the last three years and this forum has been a huge catalyst for that. Anyway,cherish the ability to play. It's truly a gift. I'll check in from time to time.
All the best,
[This message was edited by AJ Azure on 02 April 2006 at 01:24 PM.]