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Author Topic:  Have YOU ever had to perform just to get to play?
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 3:42 pm    
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I was once told by a 'mover' that every new move was a life challenge to them and they lived for that 'rush' when they get to the site where the furniture is to be off-loaded. One of their toughest moves was to move a full GRAND PIANO up a twisting, curving stairway that was extremely narrow and had cement walls on both side of the steps. This was about 1 1/2 flights up to the entrance to the house.

HOW about YOU? Ever had one of those 'impossible' situations where you had to perform a Herculean Act just to get to the bandstand?

Back in the '60's.......(That's 1960's!!!) while playing on local KGW-TV, we had to park in the employee parking lot on the opposite side of the block. We had to traverse across the parking lot, thro' a narrow gate with arched trellis over the top.
and along the outside base of this large building to the other side of the block. From there, we had to climb up three flights of metal outdoor fire-escape stairs to get to the studio, then across the auditorium and then lift the equipment up about four feet above the floor.

At that time, I was about 25-26, weighed-in at about 140 lbs. My quad Bigsby weighs-in at 105 lbs in the case. Additionally, I had to carry my Bigsby footpedal in a special case; my Echolette affects box and my Fender Bassman 4x10's. I do believe my equipment out-weighed ME, by several pounds. I performed this task once per week, off and on, for about three years.

Have any of you experienced this kinda of luck or was I just one lucky fellow?
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Skip Edwards


Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 5:58 pm    
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Ray, in my other incarnation - my main one, actually - I'm a B3 player, and have been since 1965.
All I can say is welcome to my world.
In all honesty though, I haven't had to schlep one myself in years, but I can recall horror stories of having to move the thing up and down stairs, seeing it fall over up-ended off a stage, and all sorts of things like that.
So,'re not the only lucky one.
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