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Steel Guitar Show in Fulton MS

Posted: 5 Jan 2008 1:05 pm
by Lem Smith
The second annual steel guitar show at the Tombigbee Jamboree in Fulton MS will be held on April 25th & 26th 2008. Currently I have Doug Jernigan confirmed, and I'm talking to several other players about attending. I'm tellin' ya guys, it's shaping up to be a good one!

Coming in on Hwy 78 from Alabama, take the Fulton exit, then go right to the first red light. If coming West from Tupelo, take the Fulton exit, and go back over Hwy 78. Come to the first red light. There you'll turn left onto Access Rd. You will go approximately 1 mile and you will see a sign for Max Homes on the right, and you will see a large, brown building that says something about Waterway Distributing on it, with several truck trailers parked out back. This is the building the show will be in. Come around to the other side, which is the main entrance.

There are two motels in Fulton, a Day's Inn and The Sands, with Day's Inn being the newer and larger of the two.

There will not be a seminar by Doug Jernigan this year, as there were not 8 people to confirm signing up for it. Honestly, I'm really shocked because I thought surely there would be several who would jump at the chance to get 4 or 5 hours of live instruction on the steel guitar by Doug.

The Friday night portion of the show will begin at 6:00pm and feature a jam session, and everyone is invited to participate in this. Wayne Bridge will play a set, and also Mike Sweeney will do a set on Friday night.

I will post more info on the line up for Saturday's show, etc... as it becomes available. All steel guitar related vendors are more than welcome to attend, and we have plenty of space for product displays.

The show on Saturday will start at 9:00am and go until.

Cost for admission to the show this year will be as follows: Friday night $10.00, Saturday $12.00 or $20.00 for both days.

Ok, so far this is the current playing line up of confirmed players that we've got for Saturday.

Smith Benjamin & Tommy Oliver 10:00am - 11:00am
Billy Carr 11:10am - 11:50am
Eddie Bollinger 12:00pm - 12:40pm
Dale Stacy 12:50pm - 1:30pm
Mike Sweeney 1:40pm - 2:20pm
Louie Hallford 2:30pm - 3:10pm
Bobby Ray 3:20pm - 4:00pm
Lem Smith 4:10pm - 4:50pm
Mike "Cookie" Jones 5:00pm - 5:40pm
Jim Parker 5:50pm - 6:30pm
Robby Turner 6:40pm- 7:20pm
Doug Jernigan 7:30pm - 8:10pm
Jackie Johnson & Gung Ho Trio 8:20pm - until...

Wayne Bridge, formerly with Vern Gosdin, will be playing on the Friday night portion only.

Many of these other players will also be playing during the Friday night jam, and we hope to have even more!

Vendors who will be there:
Doug Jernigan Music
Robby Turner Music
Mike Sweeney's Music
Max-Tone Modifications's by Tommy Young
Carr's Steel Guitar Shop

Posted: 5 Jan 2008 9:44 pm
by Andy Jones
Hello Lem,
This is great news.I had a ball at the first show and i'm sure this one will be just as good,if not better.I'll be there unless something prevents me from going.Keep us posted on future developements.Will the show be at the same place?
Andy Jones

Posted: 5 Jan 2008 11:10 pm
by Lem Smith
Hi Andy,

Yes, it will be at the same place as last year. It's shaping up so far to be a good one. I just heard from Tommy Young from Max-Tone Mod's will be one of the vendors there again this year, and we are proud to have Tommy with us again.

Glad you are planning to be with us again, and please pass the word along to anyone else you know that might be interested in coming.


Posted: 6 Jan 2008 8:46 pm
by Mike Sweeney
Just wanted to say how much Teresa and I are looking forward to being with you all. We always enjoy doing the shows. Sounds like it will be a good one. See you there!

Posted: 7 Jan 2008 7:04 am
by Jack Harper
i think i'll book a seat on that bus......... jack

Steel Guitar Show in Fulton MS

Posted: 7 Jan 2008 12:31 pm
by Lem Smith
Mike, it is an honor for us that you chose to be with us this year, and we are all looking forward to it. I would like to add that your playing on the "Russless" DVD was outstanding. Not only your playing, but your tone on that Zumsteel was incredible!

Country Jack, you know the show wouldn't be complete with you being there! It's been a long time, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

I'd also like to say that I've been in touch with Mike "Cookie" Jones, and he's agreed to play our show this year! In addition, Wayne Bridge, formerly with Vern Gosden, will be with us again this time.

Posted: 7 Jan 2008 5:13 pm
by Mike Jones
Wow, Doug and Sweeney two of my favorites and I get to play too. Looking forward to it.


Fulton show

Posted: 8 Jan 2008 11:40 am
by Billy Carr
Hey Lem, add me to the list. I'll leave out early on Friday morning and stay the weekend. Any motels/hotels in the area? Thanks.

Fulton show

Posted: 8 Jan 2008 11:40 am
by Billy Carr
Hey Lem, add me to the list. I'll leave out early on Friday morning and stay the weekend. Any motels/hotels in the area? Thanks.

Posted: 8 Jan 2008 5:39 pm
by Lem Smith
Hi Billy,

That's great news! So glad that you'll be coming up to be with us. Of course besides playing in the line up on Saturday, there's also room available for you to bring any items you wish to sell also. There's two motels in Fulton, a locally owned one called "The Sands" and there's also a Day's Inn.

Posted: 9 Jan 2008 4:41 pm
by Skip Cole
I was fortunate to be at this Steel Jam last year and it was 1st class all the way. This one coming up will be no less and my plans are to be there. Hope to see you all there. Thanks for the heads up , Lem.

Fulton Jam

Posted: 9 Jan 2008 9:04 pm
by Doc Rickles
Count me in Lem. Had a great time last year. Maybe Jim will let me sing.
Glad you're having Wayne Bridge back.
Looking forward to a great time.

Posted: 10 Jan 2008 5:02 pm
by Jimmy Campbell

Sounds like a goodun shaping up. :)

Put the jam on my calendar today, looking foward to it. See ya in April.


Posted: 11 Jan 2008 7:25 am
by Mike Sweeney
Boy, I'm so glad that the "Cookie Monster" is gonna be there. He is one of my favorite players. I wish he was on more steel shows. We have so much fun hanging out together.
Lem, It's looking like a super weekend. I can hardly wait.


Posted: 11 Jan 2008 9:14 pm
by Lem Smith
Skip, Doc and Jimmy, I'm really glad to hear you guys will be coming up to be with us again this year. I really think it's going to be even better, and definitely bigger than last year's show. I know we've got folks coming in from as far away as Texas to play.

Mike, I'm proud that Cookie decided to be with us this year too. I'm mostly familiar with his playing from his days with Barbara Mandrell, and so I'm looking forward to hearing him take center stage. I also really enjoyed the song you did on the "Russless" DVD, Mike, and anxiously awaiting hearing you do a full set.

Any vendors of steel related products are more than welcome, and there will be no charge for tables or display space!

Also, a reminder to take advantage of learning from one of steel guitar's premiere players, Doug Jernigan. We need at least 8 folks interested in order to have the seminar, and you'll need to let me know in advance if you're going to attend the workshop.

Posted: 14 Jan 2008 6:41 am
by Mike Sweeney
:D bump :D

Posted: 14 Jan 2008 8:08 pm
by Lem Smith
I've had some inquiries as to what Doug will be teaching in his seminar. Here is the text from Doug's email to me, detailing what he will be covering.
Lem, most of what I will covering is Intermediate material. There will be a few advanced things such as the forward roll, the three string roll as well as the diminished and whole tone scale. Most of the lesson is for the E9th tuning. There is about an hour at the end of the seminar of the C6 tuning. Mostly what the pedals do and the Major, Minor, whole tone and diminished scale with a 12 Bar Blues in C as well as some scale pockets. Thank you again------Doug
Sounds like some good info to be had.

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 9:04 am
by Bruce Terry
Hey guys,

I'm interested in Doug's seminar if enough others sign up.


Posted: 17 Jan 2008 9:03 pm
by Lem Smith
Thanks Bruce. I'm glad to hear that you'll be with us. Anyone else interested in taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from one of the best, please be sure and let me know.

Also, I'm editing the my original post from time to time to add confirmed players and any other information, so be sure to check it out periodically.


Posted: 18 Jan 2008 2:45 pm
by Lem Smith
Due to a prior booking, Dewitt "Scotty" Scott isn't going to be able to be with us this year. We regret this, but do completely understand about the prior booking and hope to have Scotty with us next time.


Posted: 20 Jan 2008 9:58 pm
by Lem Smith
Original post edited due to a change in the line up.

Posted: 27 Jan 2008 7:10 pm
by Skip Cole
Bump for some good pickin and and some great folks. :)

Posted: 4 Feb 2008 1:54 pm
by Mike Jones
Bump a roo

steel guitar

Posted: 5 Feb 2008 5:37 pm
by Gary Moore
sounds like a good one but a ? were in the world is fulton miss thanks gary.

Posted: 6 Feb 2008 11:11 am
by Lem Smith
Fulton is located in Northeast MS on Hwy 78, approximately halfway between Birmingham, AL and Memphis, TN. It is in Itawamba county, where Tammy Wynette was born and raised, and it's also 17 miles East of Tupelo MS, which of course was the birthplace of Elvis.

Hope you can make it up and enjoy the show with us.