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GFI Expo

Posted: 3 Jan 2008 7:34 am
by Ken Mizell
Does anyone here on the Forum have a GFI Expo? If so, what are your thoughts on the guitar? GFI is on my short list of purchase possibilities. The Expo model appears to be just as good as the Ultra (at least as a single neck), but with the different finish. The finish is different from what we are used to seeing, but it's not so bad when you get used to seeing it (most likely quite durable too). The price is less than the Ultra model. It would be good if GFI would make a SD-10 (pad) version in the Expo model. I haven't seen one of these in person, and it's a mighty long ride to get to a place where I can check one out (probably Nashville?). Any thoughts or info would be appreciated.




Posted: 3 Jan 2008 8:13 am
by Sonny Priddy
I Have A SD-10 Ultra I Don't Think There Is Any Difernce Only Looks And Single Body. I Wish They Made A SD-10 In Them Too. GFI's Are Great Guitars. I've Had Mine About Three Years Or More Played It Hard Never Had To Do Anything To It It's Always Ready To Go. SONNY.

Posted: 3 Jan 2008 9:06 am
by Ron Page
A new player in my area, Jamie Bender, has one that he just bought from Bobbe Seymour. He seems to be getting along fine with it. I thought it has a nice tone to it, but I wasn't used to the monochrome look to the fret boards. I don't believe it has tunable splits, if I recall correctly. I expect the Ultra would have those.

Posted: 3 Jan 2008 6:36 pm
by Mike Sigler
i played one about the entire time i was doing the St. Louis Conventon this year, and this guitar ROCKS!
Same as the ultra, but with hammertone finish, and it does not come in a keyless model...
It is the bomb for sure... i loved it... great tone to the bone, and stayed in tune great..
played like a dream, my next one will for sure be a EXPO !


Posted: 5 Jan 2008 4:55 pm
by Ken Mizell
Thanks for the reports guys. I've about made my decision in favor of either the Ultra or Expo, leaning towards to Expo. From all the reviews or studying I've done at the GFI web site (an excellent and rather comprehensive web site, I might add), it appears as though the Expo can do everything the Ultra can. One thing for sure with the Expo - no need to keep a tube of Semichrome polish around - nothing needs polishing (maybe the legs?). There is a very impressive list of people using the GFI, including Mike and others, and that helps when making these expensive decisions.

Mike - Thanks for your report on your use of the Expo in St. Louis.

I'd rather have a S-10 with pad Expo, but they don't make them (yet). I can also live with a S-10 if I have to.

Next thing, is to find out what these guitars sell for at retail.

If anyone else has personal experience with the Expo, I value your input. Hopefully this info will help other guys out there who may be looking at these guitars.


Posted: 5 Jan 2008 7:41 pm
by Mike Sigler
For what it is worth i ordered a new expo today!
Maple mica.. can't wait to get it...
As far as price, check with a few dealers! they may vary a little in price..

Posted: 5 Jan 2008 7:49 pm
by Ken Mizell
Thanks Mike. Info noted. When you get the new Expo, post a pic! I'm thinking of an Expo with the "Vintage Wood" mica. That should have a nice look to it. Of course, black always works (and sounds better too, right? :D )


Posted: 5 Jan 2008 9:07 pm
by Steve Norman
GFI is a great guitar. You can get a very wide range of tone out of it. It is light (my d10 ultra is 68 pounds in a flight case), and it is durable. They stay in tune well once they get used to the room. I personally dont think the keyless thing is that big of an advantage. The C6 neck souds real good as well, so if you think you might ever want to go c6 you have it.


I dont like the way they look

Posted: 8 Jan 2008 7:33 pm
by Ken Mizell
Can anyone report their experience with the stainless steel changer fingers vs. the regular aluminum fingers? I know that the Ultra now comes standard with stainless finger, and they are an option on the Expo. Any opinions on the tone, etc?


Posted: 9 Jan 2008 9:52 am
by Steve Norman
Stainless will last longer, I would imagine the tone will be brighter with a harder metal under the strings, Probably not as warm as the aluminum, but Im not sure

Posted: 9 Jan 2008 3:52 pm
by James Bender Jr
Hey Ken,
I have had my Expo for a couple of months now and love it! It is my first PSG so I don't have a lot to compare it to, but it plays and sounds great to me. I had the choice between black, blue and red. I bought black because I hear it sounds better. :D Here are a few pics of mine.



I agree with you Ron, I would like the fretboard to have a little more color or "pop" to it.

Mike, Thanks for turning me on to the Expo. I met you up at Chubby Howards jam and talked to you about what to buy for my first PSG. I went down to Bobbie Seymour's and got mine.



Posted: 9 Jan 2008 5:52 pm
by Ken Mizell
Nice rig James. Thanks for the pix.

Steve - Noted. If it makes it brighter, that works for me.


Posted: 9 Jan 2008 6:53 pm
by Mike Sigler
Im glad you like your new rig... I totaly sware by GFI.
They are a great machine...
Ken: i have the stainless on all my GFI guitars, they are a small bit brighter, but you gain sustain, and string life is forever.. And the volume has increased about 75% more then the aluminum...

Posted: 9 Jan 2008 7:01 pm
by Ken Mizell
Mike - Thanks much. Sounds great. With those enhancements, it's well worth the (relatively) extra bucks when buying one of these. BTW - Do you know what the turnaround time is on GFI orders these days?

I'm also hoping that between now and when I get my $$$ together, that Gene decides to do a single 10 on a double frame version of the Expo. I've had both a single and SD-10 Sho-Bud and I can handle both, but I do like the padded version. If there's no SD-10 GFI Expo, I'll go for the S-10 version.


Posted: 10 Jan 2008 9:21 am
by Mike Vallandigham
YYARRRGGGG!!!1 I cant wait to order a GFI.

Someone please take my D10 Royal Precision off my hands!! This is an unnofficial sale offer :mrgreen:

Posted: 10 Jan 2008 11:30 am
by Steve Norman
Ken you can probably get one now from Bobbe, Blackie Taylor is a GFI dealer as well.

Posted: 26 Jul 2009 8:48 am
by Norman Graichen
I want to say thanks to the people who responded to my inquiry about a pedal steel tech in the new england area.Although I haven't contacted them yet, it's good to know there is someone fairly close by. Thanks again.


Posted: 26 Jul 2009 12:59 pm
by David Nugent
Ken...Billy Cooper's shop in Orange, Va. stocks both the Ultra and Expo models and normally has several in stock in all configurations and finish options. Billy and Wanda are both very nice people to deal with (and quite a bit closer to you than Nashville also!)

Posted: 26 Jul 2009 3:53 pm
by Ken Mizell
Dave - Thanks. Turns out, back in late May 08, I bought a nice new Mullen SD-10 Royal Precision from Billy Coopers. Great folks, for sure. I got a good deal, and they had what I wanted in stock. For whatever reason, I kept leaning towards the more traditional PSG. The GFI stayed my close second choice though, and I'm sure I would have been happy with it too. This post is getting old...

Posted: 27 Jul 2009 5:29 am
by Doug Earnest
GFI had some Expo's at the Branson show yesterday. They looked very nice. Some had the gold and black hammertone finish on the metal and I thought it was particularly attractive.

Gfi Expo

Posted: 16 Sep 2009 4:48 pm
by Norman Graichen
Hey Ken, go to Steel Guitar and click on the GFI EXPO.Check out the SD-10 with a pad.It might be what you're looking for.I've had one for a little over a year and I'm really happy with it. I too am a novice psg player,and for the money,I don't think you can do better.Good luck.