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Which Steel Guitarists have died in 2007

Posted: 27 Dec 2007 2:10 am
by Nick Reed
As this year ends, I thought it would be nice to recognize and build a list of those Steel Guitarists who have passed away. It can be for both professional and amature players. Just post the ones you know and where they were from. I'll start it off by remembering some I know of:

John Hughey, Hendersonville, TN
Chick Donner, Ridgeville, Ohio
Charlie Ward, Ashville, NC
Gary Boggs, South Charleston, VA
Tom Morrell, Dallas, TX
Jerry Taylor, Lexington, KY

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 10:52 am
by Bo Legg
John Daugherty

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 11:04 am
by Bob Cox
Perhaps Bob or someone could have a memorial page linked to the forum for our beloved deceised steel
players that haved shared our veiws on this forum.

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 12:44 pm
by Dick Wood
This has been the worst year I personally have ever experienced not only with steel guitarist but also with family,Police and county employees losing children in car wrecks.

I have been to at least 8 funerals in 2007

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 1:07 pm
by Jim Gorrie
"Sneaky" Pete Kleinow -- January 6, 2007

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 1:09 pm
by Charles Davidson
Jimmy Porter from Alabama,played with Hank Sr. as a young man.DYKBC.

Posted: 30 Dec 2007 11:21 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Beck Collins, Steve Wareners uncle, fine player,


Posted: 31 Dec 2007 2:16 am
by Richard Argus
George Xanthos (Melbourne) in June.

Posted: 1 Jan 2008 4:58 am
by Pat Carlson
Donnie Blassl, Lincoln Nebraska passed in December 2007.At one time Donnie played for Ferlin Husky.

Posted: 1 Jan 2008 7:46 am
by Micky Byrne
Bobby Montgomery (stage name) Ex Sherriff, famous steeler for South Dakota and Minnisota areas passed away 2007. To add a little humour, he had through his life collected parts of "hair" from a particular part of women friends he knew through the years. Apparently there were 2 albums full, and it was his request that should he pass on, that the "hair" would be made into a beard and worn by somebody at his funeral. I had met Bobby a few times when I worked the MidWest in 1984. I've yet to hear who wore the beard if anyone did :smile:

Micky Byrne United Kingdom

Posted: 1 Jan 2008 8:26 am
by Ken Byng
Micky Byrne wrote:Bobby Montgomery (stage name) Ex Sherriff, famous steeler for South Dakota and Minnisota areas passed away 2007. To add a little humour, he had through his life collected parts of "hair" from a particular part of women friends he knew through the years. Apparently there were 2 albums full, and it was his request that should he pass on, that the "hair" would be made into a beard and worn by somebody at his funeral. I had met Bobby a few times when I worked the MidWest in 1984. I've yet to hear who wore the beard if anyone did :smile:

Micky Byrne United Kingdom
Would have been the curliest beard ever!!

Posted: 1 Jan 2008 8:38 am
by Micky Byrne
Too true Kenny boy, and similarity to Dolly's song "Coat of many colours" it was "Beard of many colours" :-D

Micky Byrne

Posted: 2 Jan 2008 9:29 pm
by S.Seitu
...Garland Nash, Atlanta on March 25th.

Posted: 3 Jan 2008 5:50 am
There was a story on Bobby in the Playboy magazine back in the 80', it was quite a hobby he had an they made a big deal out of it. I guess if he still had the hobby when he passed away he would have had enough to make a beard.They did talk to him about his steel playing but they was more interested in his pubic hair collection.


Posted: 3 Jan 2008 6:20 am
by Don Sulesky
Donnie D`Eon from the Boston area passed away last month. I never met him, but knew of his fine reputation as a great steel player.
I remember reading an article in the mid 70's in the Boston Globe where he explained all about the instrument and its place in music. I still have that article today in my files.

Posted: 4 Jan 2008 9:00 am
by Micky Byrne
Jerry, I know a couple of guys who may have gone to the funeral, one was Joe Morrison ex Radio presenter of radio KXRB in Sioux Falls S.D. who actually told me of Bobby's death.Another was yet another ex presenter and ex Drummer Rhatt Rheno. I'll try find out if Bobby's wishes were fulfilled :)

Micky Byrne United Kingdom

Posted: 4 Jan 2008 10:44 am
by Larry Moore
I don't remember the date but it was back in the summer...
Jim Aycoth from Monroe NC.
Some of you might remember Jim from Emmons Guitar Co.

It is very sad too lose so many friends in the same year.


Posted: 4 Jan 2008 8:59 pm
by James Collett
Bobby Montgomery (stage name) Ex Sherriff, famous steeler for South Dakota and Minnisota areas passed away 2007. To add a little humour, he had through his life collected parts of "hair" from a particular part of women friends he knew through the years. Apparently there were 2 albums full, and it was his request that should he pass on, that the "hair" would be made into a beard and worn by somebody at his funeral.
That's one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard!

Posted: 5 Jan 2008 11:01 am
by Gary Ball

I went to the funeral and I must admit I shaved really close that day! Never saw any multicolored beards.

I actually have seen that album (there was only one).

It was a hairowing expirience.

Posted: 6 Jan 2008 8:53 am
by Micky Byrne
Gary thanks for the info :D .....guess the "TWO" albums was an exaggeration :)

Micky Byrne