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Author Topic:  Is it cabnet drop?? Or ?????
Bordley Palk


North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2007 5:22 pm    
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I an fairly new PSG player but have noticed that when I slowly press a pedal or lever the string does not get to pitch. It's flat. If I press the pedal or lever at a somewhat normal speed( if there is a normal speed) they seem in pitch. If I press at a fast speed the pitch is sharp. Is this normal? I have an old basket and barrel Shobud and a modern Mullens.
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2007 7:24 pm    
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Yes, they all do that to some extent. I haven't figured out why. The raise bar isn't dragging the lower bar along with it when I move slowly, and it seems like all the parts end up firmly in the same place regardless of how fast I push the pedal. So why the pitch is different is a mystery.
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Paul Redmond


Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 16 Dec 2007 12:34 am    
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When 'snapping' the change into place, the entire system does just that which can tend to make the various related components override slightly. When 'creeping' up on the pull, there is usually no override, and friction in the system tends to leave the pull slightly behind. Guitars with nylon or Delrin bushings in their frames seem to be the worst culprits, but not always. Changer design has more to do with this phenomenon. A mal-lubricated changer can also cause this sort of thing to occur. There are a bunch of reasons this stuff happens and it's usually not just one thing, but a combination of several.
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