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Kenny Brown

Auburn, Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2006 11:45 am    
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while learning these scales I'm of course finding there is more than one way to play them in the same octave without extensive travel over the frets.

once again, I could be making things too difficult for myself, however, would it make more sense to learn each variation of the same scale for the sake of note location or stick to "one way of doing things"?

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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2006 11:48 am    
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It makes much more sense to me to learn the location of the scales no matter where you start. If you play a C major scale starting on each string (for example), you'll gain a better understanding of where those notes are and you'll be able to find them quickly when you really need them.

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Mark Vinbury


N. Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2006 12:04 pm    
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I'm no teacher and far from experienced in these things but I find learning one "pattern" gets me up and playing then I look for the variations.
I think a lot depends on your goal and the time you have to devote.
A study of all the possible modal scale layouts would take me a considerable investment of time, but, I could learn a few "old reliable" patterns to start having fun and get a feel for improvising over chord changes.

This post should probably be in MUSIC.

[This message was edited by Mark Vinbury on 21 February 2006 at 12:24 PM.]

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