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Author Topic:  changing strings on sho-bud super pro?
Kristen Bruno


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 1 Dec 2007 5:27 pm    
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I am finally getting around to changing the strings on my shobud super pro I picked up a few months ago.

(this url is a previous post that has pictures of it)

I am not sure how to get these strings on. There appears to be a slot where the ball end of the string slips into. But it slips out of the slot. I curved the ball end to "slip around" the roller end of the saddle (bridge?) and sometimes it feels like it "catches" on something.
I saw some diagrams that mention shobuds have a pin not a slot so i am a bit confused about how to attach the strings. I don't see any pin although it could be on the bottom where I can't see it. But there definitely is a slot. Is it possible to have a pin and a slot? What you see in the pictures is what I see when changing strings. Do I have to hold the string down at the saddle end so it doesn't slip out when trying to connect the other side of the string to the tuning peg?
Any advice on changing these strings would be appreciated.

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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 1 Dec 2007 6:25 pm    
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Kristen, it sounds like you just have to hold a little tension on the string to keep it from slippin out. My Carter had slots like that and I would first insert the ball end then stretch the string over to the keyhead and measuer two posts further to get enough extra string to wrap around the post. Then, with the cut end inserted into the hole on the post and bent over I insert the ball end in the slot and grab the string in the middle with my right hand to hold slight upward pressure while winding the string with my left hand. I measure a little extra string length for the 3rd string.
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