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3 Classic HERB REMINGTON Tunes

Posted: 11 Nov 2007 9:10 pm
by Rick Alexander


These 2 wonderful albums were recorded over 50 years ago, and are now available on CD for the first time.
All the songs on both albums were written by Herb Remington.


We recorded this version of a Remington classic in 2006.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 4:23 am
by Howard Tate
Just great Rick. My favorite song changes all the time, right now it's "Sweetnin'". Beautiful.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 5:57 am
by Gerald Ross

Great classic playing by Herb!

My favorite of the three - Coo Coo Creek Hop.
Besides Herb's great tasteful playing just listen to that rhythm section!

And the recording quality... that clean sound! You can hear all the instruments clearly. You can actually picture an audio sound stage in your mind. And the recording breathes! It's not at "11" constantly.

I can't wait to play guitar for Herb this March at the Dallas show. :D

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 7:11 am
by Drew Howard

What's your part in this story? Did you help with the reissue?

Thanks a heap!! Herb sounds so GOOD!!


Posted: 12 Nov 2007 9:15 am
by Chuck S. Lettes
Thanks for posting these tunes, Rick. They sure bring back some great memories. I will definitely pick up this CD. Herb's playing has always been an inspiration to me.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 9:44 am
by Rick Alexander
Howard, SWEETNIN sure is a beautiful piece of music alright!
Chuck Lettes recorded a great rendition of it not long ago . .

Gerald, yeah COO COO CREEK HOPS swings - a real toe tapper.
It 'll be a real good time jammin' with Herb in Dallas!:D

Drew, we did the remastering and CD production here at the studio.
Herb loves the way it sounds, so I'm a happy guy.

Chuck, these are all wonderful tunes on these albums.
Your CDs are on the way!

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 11:18 am
by Andy Sandoval
Cool audio samples Rick, just sent my paypal payment to ya. Herb's playin is just great and if the rest of the Cd's sound as good as those two samples it oughta be awesome!

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 11:33 am
by Rick Alexander
Andy, I wasn't sure which songs to use as samples - they're all the best.
Your CDs are on the way - I know you're going to love them. :)

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 11:40 am
by Jim Phelps
I have the LP Remington Rides Again, it was one of my main influences and inspirations to get and learn to play PSG. Such a sweet tone and smooth playing.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 1:26 pm
by Terry Wood
I agree that the Remington Rides Again L.P. is great. Herb's playing influenced me with that L.P. more than any of his others and I have all his L.P.s.

Where do we order them on CD?

Terry Wood

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 2:11 pm
by Rick Alexander
Right here Terry!

Posted: 12 Nov 2007 6:26 pm
by Michael Winslow
Well that was just some Super-Fine playing. Great tone, great feel and great tunes! Real tasty too.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 4:50 am
by Gary Boyett
Those are great Rick. What does Herb think of them now in CD format?

The masters must have been in pretty good shape.
When were these originally recorded?

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 5:04 am
by Rick Alexander
Mikey, it is some great stuff alright - you should hear the rest of the tunes!

G-man, Herb loves the way they sound. He says they never sounded that good before.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 6:50 am
by Rick Alexander
STEEL GUITAR HOLIDAY was recorded in 1958 and REMINGTON RIDES AGAIN in 59.
The session musicians all gone now except for Clyde Brewer, he & Herb are the sole survivors.

The players on STEEL GUITAR HOLIDAY were:
Herb Remington - Steel Guitar
Clyde Brewer - Piano, Fiddle
Darrell Raley - Fiddle, Sax
Paul Buskirk - Mando Guitar, Guitar
Dean Reynolds - Bass
Al Hagy - Drums

Herb Remington - Steel Guitar
Clyde Brewer - Piano, Fiddle
Paul Buskirk - Mando Guitar, Guitar
Bill Sessions - Rhythm Guitar
Al Statum - Bass
Linc Smith - Drums

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 7:12 am
by Mike Neer
Steel Guitar Holiday is one of my favorite steel records. "Sam & Oscar" is a killer tune.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 8:29 am
by Bill Leff
Oh man, this stuff sounds fantastic I've never really listened to Herb and I am loving what I am hearing.

I'm ordering both Steel Guitar Holiday and Remmington Rides Again right now!

"Coo Coo"..............

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 10:25 am
by Ray Montee
That first tune, seems like one that I've heard before but I'd swear it was under a different TITLE. Any info' on that?

Herb has been a mainstay for so many wonderful years.......has always contributed in 'our kind of music'.

Have you heard: "Jean Street Swing"....or something like that? It was a catchy little number.

THANKS for sharing these with us..........

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 11:24 am
by Andy Volk
Great re-mastering job, Rick! Sounds wonderful and I note the band includes includes the largely hearalded but hugely respected, Paul Buskirk. Was Herb playing a Stringmaster for these dates?

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 4:58 pm
by Rick Alexander
Mike, Sam & Oscar were his pets at the time.

Ray, I love "Jean Street Swing" - it is catchy.

Bill, they're on the way buddy!

Andy, thank you. On STEEL GUITAR HOLIDAY Herb played a Fender 1000, but he didn't use the pedals except in one song - "Chime Out For Love".
He used one pedal in that song.

On REMINGTON RIDES AGAIN he used a triple neck Stringmaster with A6, E13 and F#13 tunings.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 11:53 pm
by Edward Meisse
Thanks for posting these. My project for 2008 is to collect a bunch of Herb's recordings. So you'll be hearing from me in January. The only one I have (if I still have it) is on vynl (or however you spell that) and in storage somewhere (no turntable). This situation must and shall be remedied.

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 3:25 am
by Rick Alexander
And the recording quality... that clean sound! You can hear all the instruments clearly. You can actually picture an audio sound stage in your mind. And the recording breathes! It's not at "11" constantly.
Both albums were recorded the old fashioned way - with 1 or 2 mics in the center of the studio and the musicians strategically positioned around.
To my ear, recordings made this way are more alive sounding, more exciting.

Afterwards, Herb added those tasty steel overdubs - a cutting edge technique in the 50s . .

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 12:29 pm
by Dave Giegerich
These are both great LPs, I've about worn them out. I ordered both cds today. I got Herb to autograph my copy of Steel Guitar Holiday about 15 years ago when he was in DC. I didn't have the nerve to ask him to sign it Herby on one side and Herbie on the other, as it appeared on the cover.
Thanks for doing these Rick, sorry I didn't get to meet you at Joliet - I didn't know that was you with the video camera!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 6:24 pm
by Rick Alexander
Dave, they really are great albums - I've been addicted to them for years.
I'm very glad I was able to do this.
I would have liked to meet you too, but I really enjoyed your playing!
Next time . .

herbs the man

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 8:29 pm
by Larry Jones
i first read an article about herb in guitar player magazine , after that is when i discovered the A6 tuning which was the turning point in my steel guitar career thanks Herb. i have most of his records and videos. my favorite is jean st. swing with bob wills, man that is the sh-t . he was young and ideas were flying all over the place and Bob gave him the space to do it. he also used E13. i have his pedal steel album but i thought it took away his individuality . which in my opinion pedal steel does with some exceptions and we all know who they are, i am talking about the innovators . Joaquin went pedals to at the end also. i admire Jerry byrd for sticking to his guns, and like herb is willing to share his knowledge with the next generation. those guys are a class act.