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Author Topic:  NV112 Goes To Half Throttle
Jim Eller

Kodak, TN (Michigan transplant)
Post  Posted 10 Nov 2007 4:44 pm    
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While playing through my NV112 it will just decide to loose about half of it's volume. I've disconnected the DD-5 and get the same results. I use the DD-5 on another NV112 and everything is fine.

The volume comes back after a short bit of time but then will do it again.

Anyone experience this and what is the cure?

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 11 Nov 2007 3:33 am    
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Could be an intermittent or bad connection on a "thru jack". Peavey uses these on both effects loops and on the Preamp Out/Power amp in.

The next time it does it, connect a guitar cord from the out to the in on one of the effects loops and see if that fixes it. If it's not that loop, try the other effect loop and if it's not that, try the preamp out to power amp in. If connecting a guitar cord to one of those fixes the problem it's the "normal thru" contact on the "return" jack that is causing the problem.

If it is a jack problem, sometimes just plugging a guitar cord in and out several times will "clean" the contact. If that doesn't do it, it will require cleaning with contact cleaner. If it's the power amp in jack you can get to that one by taking off the plastic grill cover on the top. If it's one of the effect loop jacks you'll have to remove the chassis to get to them.
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Jim Eller

Kodak, TN (Michigan transplant)
Post  Posted 11 Nov 2007 9:22 am    
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Thanks Mr. Stoner.

I'll give it a try. You've been helpful once again.

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