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Karen Lee Steenwijk


Post  Posted 22 Oct 2007 7:20 pm    
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I have met many steel players in my life, and those that have made there way on the national scene, I take my hat off to them. You know who you are!! I have worked with them,and now I call them,,My friends!!
There are some hometown steelers that I have worked with, that are just as good..but have never been reconized nationally. This is one!! His name, is "Chuck Rhodes" he is from Armburst Pennsylvania, and he is the finest steel players, that you would ever meet.
Chuck has been playing for years, and can play like nobody else.He was one of the first steelers that could play like my record.I commend him!! He promotes steel,,he lives steel..and he in my words 'is a class act!!
I spoke to Chuck this eve,,and He told me that he has,COPD,,he does not do all the shows like he use to.
I have the same dreadfull thing..,It takes your breath away..and thats scary!! Mabe we have it from playing all those smokey bars.I dont know..But..I do know this..Chuck has been an asset to steelers in Pennsylvania, and he is one terrific steel player, promoter, and an all around good person.'My hats off to you!! CHUCK RHODES!! Thank-you for what you have givin To us, as musicians, and fellow steelers in "Pennsylvania".

Karen Kaylee Steenwijk
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steve takacs

beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2007 1:15 am    
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Chuck sold me my first really professional guitar, a Kline universal. Guitar was everything he said it'd be. Does he still operate his pedal steel shop? Good luck to both of you Karen that COPD. steve t
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Karen Lee Steenwijk


Post  Posted 24 Oct 2007 7:09 am    
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Steve, Chuck closed his shop a while back.I also bought my first steel from him.I was a newbie just trying to learn steel, so I bought a little nashville ltd...and were still playing it today.I still use it on all my recordings, great sound, great tone.
As for the COPD..I have had it for the past 6 yrs..and still singing.Some days are better than others...on the days that I get short of breath...I dont yell at hubby!!!..ha ha
Thanks for post Steve!!
Karen Laughing
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Doug Garrick


Grand Junction, CO
Post  Posted 27 Oct 2007 3:42 pm    
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Absolutely one of the greatest, most generous men I've met in my life. He taught me more in a year than anyone else could have taught me in 10. (that must have been '74 or '75 wow!) A great steel player and a natural teacher. There are very few things that I've enjoyed as much as the guitar lessons I took from Chuck when I was a kid. Not to mention great (ongoing) advice and terrific deals on great guitars. I am sitting right beside them EMCI that I bought from him (sight unseen) around '87 or so. Twice I've traveled from Wyoming to Armbrust Pa. to buy a guitar from Chuck.

Thanks for the post and a reminder that I need to touch base with Chuck.

Yeah, One for Chuck!

doug garrick
rock springs, wyoming
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