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Author Topic:  Patsy Cline
Rob Parker


Paducah, Kentucky, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2007 10:30 am    
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This may be posted in the wrong section...But I need some info on a Cline song..
I don;t know the title..just a few words ..." chorus may start..." dead leaves are falling around us.."
Sorry ,that's all the info I have ..Does that ring a bell with anyone ????May not even be a Cline song..
Any help would be appreciated..
You can mail me at my Private message box on the Forum...
Thank you much...
RP...'come on in'...
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2007 1:08 pm    
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Rob, are these the lyrics your thinkin of?

If I Could Only Stay Asleep

Last night I dreamed of you, sweetheart ~
Once more, you loved me,
You said we'd never part….
It's dawn again, oh how sad am I!
My dream has ended,
And tears fill my eyes.
Dead leaves swirling around my feet,
Like memories from the past….
Each leaf reminds me of a dream,
A dream that wouldn't last.
For once, I know, your promise you would keep
If I could only, only stay asleep….
Dead leaves swirling around my feet,
Like memories from the past….
Each leaf reminds me of a dream,
A dream that wouldn't last.
For once, I know, your promise you would keep
If I could only, only stay asleep….
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Rob Parker


Paducah, Kentucky, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2007 3:06 pm    
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Mr. Andy,
I am thinking also that is the one..I heard a picker play it as an instrumental, but he announced it as "Dead Leaves"..I was called out of the room, and did not get to hear the song..I asked him about it later, and he said he heard a girl sing it, and he thought the words were, starting the chorus "dead leaves are falling around us ".
But I have been looking at Clines songs, and that one I think is it ????
I appreciate your reply..Thanks for the time and your effort.If I can be of assistance to you, please let me know...Thanks again.
RP...'come on in'...
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