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Author Topic:  UPDATE..on my Walgreens Refills
George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2007 8:41 pm    
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My refills are working just great, just like new ones. No leaks or mess or nothing. My photos are ever bit as good as with a new print cartridge. I did the whole bit the alignment and ran the program test prints like with a new cartrige. Everthing turned out just dandy. They put these cartridges through a whole series of test when they refill them in a machine. If they fail, they won't refill them. They also clean them, pressure test, leak test, and electronic test. They peel your label off. And put a walgreen lable on it. They write the cartridge # on it. Then their number. They put these little green clips over your cartrige to protect it. Then put it ina sealed vaccum plastic bag. These things can only be refilled 3 times. Then you have to buy a new one. And apparently they know how many times you had them refilled to. Now i have just one small glinch in the whole process. My ink levels on my screen, are where they were before i got them refilled. Evertime i go to print something. The stupid refill reminder screen pops up, and shows my ink levels as empty, and tells me where online to order more. I can still print however. How do i change my ink levels on my computer to full? or reset them? I won't know when they are actually getting low ifen i don't? George

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2007 2:56 am    
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Many ink jet cartridges contain a "smart chip" and one of it's functions is to monitor and report the ink level in the cartridge (actually counts the ink droplets). However, the chip can never be reset thus if it reports "low ink" it will always report low ink.

They are correct on the 3 refills per cartridge. Most, after the third refill will not work or work correctly.
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2007 4:08 am    
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Do what I do when I get that message.
Ignore it and print until they run out of ink.
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Robert Leaman

Murphy, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2007 6:41 am     Fill Reset
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I use a Canon MP830 PIXMA multifunction printer. I've refilled cartridges more than 3 times. This works well because the print head is not part of the cartridge. If you want to really go "whole hawg", buy a continuous ink feed system that has ink tanks external to the printer and can be refilled any time they need it. Yes, the chips cannot be reset since the manufacturer put them them there to fool people into buying new instead of refilling. However, this can be defeated on most Canon machines by holding the Stop/Reset button down until the error disappears. This must be done for each ink tank. The error is not in the computer so the computer cannot reset it. The error is in the printer so it must be reset at the printer.
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George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2007 10:25 am    
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Well thanks for all the info. Walgreens will not give you any tech support of any kind. She said, i just refill them, that's it. So i really appreciate you guys telling me about the level screen. I will just keep printing till they run out, then refill them again. But i recommend to save money to get them refilled. They work great. There are some cartriges that walgreens cain't refill. There is a list online on Walgreens website. It might save you the trip to walgreens. They wouldn't refill my daughters Lexmark ink cartriges. George
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