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TC Furlong powered SPLIT cabs - how many do you use?

Posted: 15 Sep 2007 1:21 pm
by Tim Harr
TC is a friend and I have seen and heard these great SPLIT cabs.

My question is how many do you use? Two or one?

I want to know if those that have one feel the need for two due to volume reasons or the need to have that "two cabinet stereo sound".

Very curious...

Please sound off..


Posted: 16 Sep 2007 8:14 am
by Brad Sarno

I use one, but the sound of two is absolutely huge. I find that one is plenty of power and bigness for my needs. But may players like that wide, stereo sound. But really just one of these things is a large sound.


Posted: 16 Sep 2007 8:16 am
by Dyke Corson
I checked out prototypes for quite a while (thanx TC) and found that just one Split cut it juts fine even with the Boat Drunks loud stage volume. Two of them gave me that stereo sound I have grown addicited to! These cabs along with Brad's Rev preamp will give you a killer sound.

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 8:22 am
by Tim Harr

I have a REV on order (ETA 2 wks).

I planned on using it with 2 NV 112s (and a TC Electronice M350).

But, I must say the idea of a SPLIT is making my mouth water :D

I am OK with one but had small concerns about volume.

Have you used the REV/SPLIT with your electric guitar? How does that sound?

The sound, craftmanship, quality of parts and friendship with the builders is what is driving towards the SPLIT ( and did the REV too actually).


Posted: 16 Sep 2007 8:29 am
by Dyke Corson
Yes while using the Splits with he Boat Drunks I was doing about 30% 6 string guitar on a typical gig. GREAT CLEAN sound and after considerable tweaking good distortion tones too using processors, pedals, etc. I never did get to use the POD XT Live I now have for 6 string with the Splits and I'm looking forward to trying that out somtime in the future.

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 1:18 pm
by Jack Ritter
I just got my TC split 2 weeks ago and have the rev preamp and the m350 effects unit. was going to use them with 2 n112's but after i got the split, the places i play ---like moose lodges, etc, this baby is more than enough power for me. unbelievable clean , clear power all the way. however ---i think you could play this setup in most any place and not have anything to worry about. this split is a BOOMER!!!
i just use delay for effects and does fine.
another great asset---i grinned all the way up some stairs the other nite at American legion when i toted that 29 pound split up there!! didn't hurt at all!
my 2 bits worth----Jack

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 1:21 pm
by Tim Harr
Jack, great feedback.

I appreciate it!


Posted: 16 Sep 2007 2:44 pm
by Pete Smith
I play in a pretty loud band. I sit downstage left in front of the bass player, on top of the underfloor subs, and far enough downstage that I get a pretty good dose of the stage left main array. I also have the bandleader to my right, and he uses a pair of wedges, one of which is right next to my rack, and the other is on the other side of his keyboard aimed right at me. Point is I sit in this vortex of sound. Iput the SPLIT about 12ft upstage, a couple of feet to the side of the bass amp. I have no trouble hearing myself, the soundman sometimes tells me my stage volume is so much that he takes me out of the stage left main. The RTP-Split combo effortlessly cuts through the mash of noise with plenty to spare. I bet that having it so far behind me gives almost the same effect as using two and having them closer. This thing is so loud that I never find myself yanking on the strings as though that would help to cut through. I am able to play insanely loud with smooth clear tone and a nice sensitive touch. With two SPLITS you could probably blow your hair off.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007 12:28 pm
by Tim Harr
Thanks for your take.. Pete