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Author Topic:  Why Have Steel Guitar Clubs or Why Not?
Jeremiah Hanley


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 12:29 pm    
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I've been a steeler for 50 years but I've only recently plugged in to this wonderful steel guitar forum. Maybe this subject has been covered over and over and if it has, maybe someone could point me to some facts and figures of the existence of these steel guitar clubs that we find all over the states. Like one acquaintance of mine said, 'she felt more love and acceptance in the steel guitar clubs than anywhere else'. And for that reason alone they are worth having. People meet together and don't know one another at all and then in a matter of a few minutes they become friends and sometimes lifelong friends. You showing pictures of grand kids as you're eating hot dogs and chips. I feel like all my steel guitar friends are really my family! There's nothing like it. Like I said, my first exposure to a steel guitar club began just a few short years ago. These steel clubs have become so important that just like the U.S. we have a president, VP, Sec. & Treasurer who make up the board and then there's a membership also. If you have a steel guitar club in your area, how long has it been going? And how many people faithfully attend? I suppose the big ISGC was the first one and does anyone know which state became the 2nd one to join in this excitement? What year did your club begin? My wife and I host a show on and we think it would be interesting to tell tidbits of information about the 'clubs' as well as we do about the artists performing the songs. I'll look forward to hearing your input!
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Terry Kinnear


Erie ,Pennsylvania
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 4:58 pm    
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I help with the allegheny steel guitar assocation,middle and north western pa. we are having a jam on August 24th ,noon till 7 .we have a few steeler that come over. sometimes we have a good turn out, then other times its low. the folks that come, are the best around.very helpful to us beginners..great steel players and singers.always ready to help,a fellow steeler, to learn a lick, or a ride.great looking steels . lots of fun. good food. great friends.our friends in ashtabula ohio, just had a great steel jam,last week.lots of folks came,and had a great time.glad to have jams,to go to .tk
Terry Kinnear [ steel wondering]
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Pete Woronowski


Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 5:59 pm    
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Jeremiah, I manage a music store in Canada and have always loved the pedal steel and recently have taken it up very seriously.
In doing so I realized by talking to other's that a lot of people have the interest but get frustrated by the lack of teacher's and lack of support by most store's.

We started a pedal steel club that meets every 4 to 6 weeks,has a monthly news letter and are always there to help others.
We had our first clinic a couple of weeks ago and brought in a gentleman who is a long time player who did a class for members.
We now have just over 30 members and it is very exciting to be part of this.

Its funny you asked this question as in our first newsletter your station and site was strongly reccomended for their importance to the pedal steel.

Take Care, Pete
Mullen Royal Precision
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Pete Woronowski


Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 6:02 pm     Pic of our club and tshirt
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Mullen Royal Precision
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Bob Bowden

Vancouver, BC, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 6:19 pm    
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Pete Woronowski wrote:
Jeremiah, I manage a music store in Canada and have always loved the pedal steel and recently have taken it up very seriously.
In doing so I realized by talking to other's that a lot of people have the interest but get frustrated by the lack of teacher's and lack of support by most store's.

Any chance that you'll be passing along what you've learned to the other stores in the chain?

I met a salesman at the North Vancouver store recently who was just starting to learn PSG. There are at least three other players, including myself, who live fairly close to that shop. It would be great to see your enthusiasm influence some of the other stores across the country.
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Pete Woronowski


Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2008 7:23 pm    
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Hi Bob

I am sure it will progress over time to the other stores.
I have been working hard with our buyers to get onboard with all the needed supplies.
Our store soon will have 10 steels in stock which is very exciting and I'm sure it will catch on as we go.
I hope to announce our newly added line of steel gtrs next week.

I will find out the sales persons name at the North store and try to help him along for sure and when he ready I can help him start a club as well.

Take Care, Pete
Mullen Royal Precision
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