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Author Topic:  Bob Wills/Leon McAuliffe Question
robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2007 2:29 pm    
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I am working on a transcription of a Jesse Ashlock interview and need information on the following Bob Wills/Leon McAuliffe question. Thanks in advance for any info, Bob Kramer

Here is the question:

In an interview with Jesse Ashlock regarding who played with Bob Wills’s Texas Playboys, Jesse refers to Leon McAuliffe playing “twins” (or harmony parts) with a guy named Allen (possibly spelled Alan). However, no last name is given. “Allen” could be another steel player who wasn’t in the Playboys, or “Allen” could be a guitar player, whether in the Playboys or not.

Do you know who “Allen” might be?

Possibly Ashlock might be referring to Al Stricklin, the piano player, but the combination of piano and steel seems less likely than pairing a guitar and steel, as with Speedy West and Jimmy Bryant, to whom Ashlock alludes.
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John McGlothlin


Post  Posted 2 Aug 2007 3:02 pm    
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I'm not sure that I have the right to make this statement but here is a possibility that there is a slight misunderstanding in the pronunciation of that name.....someone might have said Eldon instead of Allen or Alan either of these three names can sound alike. If this is so then the other musician mentioned may very well have been Eldon Shamblin.

Eric Corgey

Texas, Friendswood
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2007 5:37 pm    
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I watched a Playboys II recording session back in about 92 or 93 in Dickinson, TX with Herbie Remington and Eldon Shamblin playing alot of twin guitar stuff. Mr. Shamblin was very old at that time and had to be assisted as he walked in and sat down in a chair. Then some one put his guitar in his hands and it was awesome!!! Whoa! Those two cats never missed a lick and I was truly impressed. I know that Mr. Shamblin played with Bob Wills for many years and I feel this is probably the man your looking for.
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robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2007 5:59 am    
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John McGlothlin and Eric Corgey,

Thanks for your response to my question as to who played the twin parts along with Leon McAuliffe on the Bob Will band. I'm postive you are both correct in assuming it's Eldon (Shamblin) and not "Allen" as first transcribed off the Jesse Ashlock interview tapes. Thanks again for your replies, Bob Kramer
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