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Author Topic:  Jim Phelps: How are things Down South? Update?
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2007 4:35 pm    
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Nothing urgent, but I hadn't read of any of your recent experiences, gigs, etc, in Old Mexico.

Me? Just endless long days, now a well needed couple week break from gigging, with a couple 'secret' projects in the pipe, TONS of Tele Lessons, and all my waking hours trying to wear out a nice SSH Squier Tele, a couple Fender REAL TUBE amps (HRD and B Jr) a Pocket Pod, today 8 new titanium screws and a reglued front double crown, a couple month project of learning "mexican" from Berlitz, and a few guys at work that are trying to fil me in on the cussword thing.

Been gigging on PSG?


Just wondering.


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