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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2007 9:02 am    
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I'm accompanying a violinist at my nephew's wedding. I'd like to try this on reso. Being fairly new, I could use some help on the best way to get the Bm and F#m using standard G tuning. I've played with it and got a fairly good way of approaching it but would like some advice. Different tuning? Capo?
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Dave Harmonson

Seattle, Wa
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2007 10:25 am    
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Assuming you're using standard dobro tuning from low to high GBDGBD, there's a good B minor barring 3rd and 4th string at the 4th fret leaving 1 and 2 open. You can stack it by hitting the 5th string open before playing the first four strings. The F# minor I usually alternate between playing the 2nd and 3rd strings on the 2nd fret so you have the 3rd and 5th of the chord and 4th and 5th strings at the 7th fret to get an F# note and an A. Same two notes available an octave higher on the 1st and 2nd string at the 7th fret. Finding ways to get minors on standard dobro tunig can be challenging, but ther are ways to make it work. Some times I will play at the same position as the major chord and not play the thirds of the chord or play octaves of the root. You have a minor 3rd interval on the first two strings and on string 4 and 5. You have a major third interval on strings 2 and 3 and on 6 and 5. Since a minor chord is a minor interval (1 and 3) then a major interval (3 and 5). parts of all the minor chords are there and the trick is to find a way to put them together with a good flow. Since you brought up Pacobel, I think I'll have to give it a try on my dobro. Good luck.
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