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Author Topic:  Changes in Pod 2
Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 10 Jul 2007 2:16 am    
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I have been using an early-version Pod 2 for at least 6 years, and I actually prefer it for guitar or lap steel over the XT. But - I just played a recent Pod 2 that I was buying as a gift, and it is quite different. I did some digging and read that Line6 has changed the DSP chip in more recent Pod 2 units. Here is Line6's FAQ on the change (copy that URL into your browser to go directly to the page):

To my ears, the amp models sound somewhat different, but the big thing is the effects. To my tastes, the spring reverb model is essentially unusable - very grainy and "echoey" at every setting - and some of the other effects seem exaagerated and grainy. It's a show-stopper to me. Again, this is just my opinion.

I'm not exactly sure when the change occurred, but the FAQ gives some details to look for - the new version works with the new foot controller, has 3-segment display, and uses flash memory instead of EPROM. I also think they put a little "Line 6" badge with black lettering on silver background under the display unit in the newer models. Sound familiar - "Silverface panel version"? Wink

Anyway, I have to include that caveat when recommending the Pod from here on in, especially since I'm one of the few here that still seems to like the original Pod and Pod 2. I would either find an early version 2 (or its rack-mount equivalent Pod Pro) if you want the original Pod interface, or move to the XT like most people on this forum have.

This all may seem irrelevant for many of you, but I have noticed a couple of recent threads on the new "Pocket Pod", which is based on the Pod 2.

These are strictly my opinions, of course, and YMMV. Smile
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