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Author Topic:  Stroboflip programming
Billy Murdoch


Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 7:21 am    
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Hi All,
When setting your own tuning into the 'flip,You decide the setting of each note,then save the setting.Simple.
Since there are several octive notes on the pedal steel it would mean that each note(high B and low B) is the same reading on the scale.
Lets assume you want the bottom B to be +10cents and the top B to be +5cents(this is for illustration only)is there a way to set each note reative to its position above middle C or do we go with one setting only and tweak to suit.
Best regards
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 9:04 am    
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I've been using my Strobe-o-Flip since they 1st came out.
I have one note setting for each note regardless of the octave and to this point have not had a problem.
If this bothers you then I'd either use the alternate option and program the two like notes into each program or use one program and tweak to your ears which in fact change daily according to atmosphic pressure.
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Billy Murdoch


Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 10:15 am    
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Thanks Don for your early reply.
Actually I was prompted to ask this question after lending my steel to a friend for a couple of nights.
He was playing with a visiting Texas singer,and he is a very good player.
He returned the steel today and said he had changed the tuning a little and I should give it a try.
I know he does not use a stroboflip.
I gave it a try and all seemed ok but after checking with the 'flip I notice that most,if not all of the octave notes differ from their namesake.
I always use the Newman presets and I freely admit I have cloth ears,I doubt if I could tweak to suit.
I do't want to go too deep ito my friend's tuning and start another tuning war.I really am quite happy with the preset.
Many thanks
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2007 11:23 am    
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Billy you'll notice on the Newman presets he does not call for two different settings for the octave notes. If it mattered that much I'm sure he would have done so. IMHO
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