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Steve Palousek's "NEW" CD

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 10:48 pm
by bill dearmore
Hey Gang check out Steve's new CD listed in the "For Sale" music section of the forum. It's truly "Out of Sight" and Buddy had some nice things to say about Steve and the CD on the liner notes. WOW! See ya later,...Bill

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 4:38 am
by Randy (Fuzzy) Whitener
Bill I agree, Steve is a World Class Player. If you want to hear some samples of his new cd go here and check it out. And Buddy likes him too. :D

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 6:17 am
by Tony Prior
you all really must check out the website and take a listen to the clips...

and like I said in another thread, you better sit down while listening..this has the makings of a great CD.


steve palousek's gear p.s.g &amp?

Posted: 1 Jul 2007 6:21 am
by Paul Wade
bill and randy,

do you know what type of gear steve plays thru. p.s.g/amp. i have two of his vhs tapes and he is playing a emmons lagrand? does he still play a emmons
and what is his set up....

paul wade :)

Posted: 1 Jul 2007 11:06 am
by Randy (Fuzzy) Whitener
Paul, I've known Steve since the early 80's he took my place with a band called Stage Company that I had played with for 6 years and was ready to do something different. This was his first pro gig he was 17 or 18 and had just finished high school a month earlier. At that time he played a PP emmons, the last time I heared him live he was playing a Legrand about 2 yrs. ago. I cant immagine Steve playing anything but an Emmons, thats all Ive ever known him to play. Im not sure about the amp he is using now I've only seen him use Peaveys. Great player no matter what he uses. I want to break his fingers 8)

Posted: 1 Jul 2007 3:24 pm
by Charles Curtis
That sounds like an Emmons to me; and I've never heard better. I think that's the only way I can describe his music.

Posted: 2 Jul 2007 1:36 pm
by Roger Edgington
Well, that's another CD I have to get. Great playing

Posted: 2 Jul 2007 1:40 pm
by Tony Prior
My copy came in the mail today...

I don't know Steve but I'm thinking we may have to break his feet and fingers to slow him down ..

"Let the Games Begin" is a great CD , not just the playing, but the recording , the qualty, the whole deal...excellent choice of tunes...


Posted: 8 Jul 2007 7:33 am
by bill dearmore
Bump please

Posted: 8 Jul 2007 8:57 am
by jerry harkins
I ordered mine and can't wait to get it!


Posted: 8 Jul 2007 7:02 pm
by ken collins
I'm guessing Steve, who has always played Emmons, is playing a Zum on this. Ken

Posted: 8 Jul 2007 9:30 pm
by John Macy
I got my copy and it is killer...:)

Posted: 8 Jul 2007 11:58 pm
by Jody Sanders
The pickin' ain't over til Steve has played. Jody.


Posted: 9 Jul 2007 3:38 am
by Paul King
Those samples are great. I saw Steve at the ISGC several years ago and he sure impressed me.

Posted: 9 Jul 2007 9:22 am
by Charles Curtis
I heard from a good source that he did it on an Emmons. Maybe someone down in Texas can tell us about the amp he used.

Posted: 9 Jul 2007 10:08 am
by Larry Lorows
i called to order it, but no one answered. How does he get that clean bottom, man that's good. I don't usually get too excited over some one's tone, but Steve sure has what I want to hear. I also like the way his intros aren't the same as every body's. He's really thinking outside the box. Larry

Posted: 9 Jul 2007 10:33 am
by Tony Prior
I ordered mine with PAYPAL then called and left a message to confirm payment. I received a phone call a few hours later confirming payment by a nice gal who also told me the CD was already in the mail.

I have been listening for about a week now..

According to the liner notes, Steve is also the Guitar player on this CD, very fine player as well, on par with his Steel playing..


Posted: 12 Jul 2007 8:54 am
by Justin Griffith
I shouldn't speak for Steve but I was over there while he was recording this.
He used his new LeGrande III, George l's cables, Hilton pedal, Stereo Steel preamp, TC Electronics G major, Peavey Tubefex (on Some tracks)Direct into his board.

I will try again to get him to answer himself, but he is very busy and not very internet savvy.


Posted: 12 Jul 2007 9:22 am
by Bill Terry
How would like to show up for a sub steel gig, get your stuff setup and then find out that Steve P. is the guitar player for the night?????

It happened to me a while back... I'm sure after he heard both my licks about 10 times each he was ready to hit me on the head and take over, but he couldn't have been more friendly. That said, I bet he was cringing inside :)

He's a really easy going guy, and I actually had a good time.. he's also plays pretty good guitar BTW.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 9:50 am
by Justin Griffith
Whatever Bill. You play great. I admit I would be nervous too, but Steve is not like that.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 7:45 pm
by Gary Walker
I received my copy today and I only ordered it 3 days ago. Steve is not slow in business either. As for the CD, SP plays like we all wish we could. His command of the instrument boggles the mind and his playing is so tasteful. When I heard him years ago with Gene Watson, I had no idea he was such a monster with picks and a bar in his hands. His rendition of the "Shadow of Your Smile" on a previous project is still one of my faves. I only wish he had put it on CD instead of cassette. I could get carried to new height listening to this great talent. I say, "Buy this CD."


Posted: 13 Jul 2007 1:56 am
by Billy Carr
Listened to the clips and just ordered my copy with PayPal. Great tone and execution. I hear a lot of the Big E influence on some of the C6th cuts. That's a plus,as always. Fine CD to add to my collection!

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 11:47 am
by Steve Hinson
Steve IS a great guitar player...he and I were Cherokee Cowboys together about 20 years ago and I made the grave mistake of letting him pick up my Telecaster one day...bad enough he could smoke me on steel...come to find out he could do it on electric too!He is one of the great ones...I haven't heard his new record,but I have no doubt it is as great as anything else he's done...good luck with it,Stevo!

Great Player -- Great Prankster

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 1:47 pm
by Bill Simmons
I have to order his new CD!!!

A couple years ago I was the electric guitar for the TX Opry Band with Albert Talley on steel. Our band always played for the 3-5 opening acts. The guest this night was the great Ray Price with Steve P. on steel playing his blue Emmons LeGrand II.

As a steel guitarist, he's been one of my top 5 favorite players. I also knew he was one hot electric player and a prankster. I was playing my heart out and Albert nodded for me to do the turn around. Well, I hit my old Tele but there wasn't any sound...I wiggled my cord 3-4 times...looked to see if the light was on my Fender amp...still no sound...hit my amp 4-5 times thinking something came lose...still no power.

Embarrassed since I clean missed my guitar part and the next songand...sweat was not pouring down my face. Albert Talley (band leader) was trying to whisper "Get it fixed fast" I turned back to hit my amp again, I heard a bunch of laughter through the dimly lit backstage and I could see Steve just howling and bent over in stitches...then I realized the character had reached through the back curtain and flipped my Standby switch!!

If he had not been playing for Ray Price, I almost went over at the break to hide his cord from his Emmons to his volume pedal...GREAT PERSON -- GREAT PLAYER!!!

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 8:59 pm
by Jeff Bradshaw
This disc is superb!!! Sound regards. ..jeff