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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2005 9:25 am    
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It's funny how things go in cycles. You could go weeks w/o seeing any double or triple 8s, then all of sudden several. I wonder how many are left across the country, 5K, 10K?

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Wayne Cox


Chatham, Louisiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 Jul 2005 7:41 am    
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RON, I've sure noticed that and a lot more. For example: "Sniping" programs bidding for the actual persons,"Second chance offers",and,we can't forget "item withdrawn due to being lost or broken",(when you know someone walked into the pawn shop and simply made the seller a cash offer he just couldn't refuse). However,when a legitimate seller sells an item at a high price (such as a Stringmaster) it gets the Ebay surfers' attention. The surfer then says to himself,"Now would be a good time for me to sell that old Fender I've been storing in my closet." Bingo, the surfer now becomes a seller,along with everyone else who noticed. As far as "how many are left",do you mean in existence, or sitting in closets of people who don't even play a steel?

[This message was edited by Wayne Cox on 14 July 2005 at 08:44 AM.]

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