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pickups? - rock... Joe Wright... 12 string

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 4:23 am
by Steve Howard
Have an E-66 on a 12 string guitar that I intend to use for both country and rock playing. Obviously, the E-66 doesn't provide the rounded sound I need for this.

I have a George L 10-1 on my 10 string that seems to do well, I could get the 12-1 maybe but looking for more input from forum members.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a good pickup for this dual use. I would like something I can get my hands on fairly quick (next 2-3 weeks).

Anyone know what Joe Wright uses?

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 7:05 am
by Darvin Willhoite
I don't know what Joe uses, but I get the best distortion sound using a Truetone single coil. I have three sets of pickups for my MSA's, Truetones, George L's TWs, and Bill Lawrence XR16's, and I tend to always use the Truetones on E9th.

I played some rock and blues stuff yesterday using my Williams guitar with Bill Lawrence 710's, and I didn't like the sound nearly as well as with the TT's. I have a new MSA coming with Tonealigners on it, I'm anxious to check them out. I have a set of old Danny Shields pickups on my Fessenden that I like really well, and the Tonealigners are supposed to be clones of these.

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 7:36 am
by Steve Howard
Are the Truetone's fairly quiet? Do they have a "smooth" sound for country also (I play mostly new country where the sound isn't as bright IMO)?

How can I learn more about the Tonealigners? Who do you order from?


Posted: 4 Jun 2007 8:26 am
by Bob Hoffnar
I am making the Tonealigner pickups. I am waiting on a new batch of 12st bobbins at the moment. They should be ready in a couple weeks. Then it will take me a week or 2 to catch up with a couple orders. I made a 12st pickup for Lonnie Bennett that sounds like what you are looking for. Shoot me an email if you are interested in one.The George L 12-1 might be a good option also for humbucking. Then you certainly can't go wrong with a Truetone. Jerry Wallace does great work and can wind you whatever you want.

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 2:19 pm
by Paddy Long
On Joe's older Sierra, sort of red and pink job, it looks like a ToneAligner pickup ..or the Pittman version ??

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 2:59 pm
by Darvin Willhoite
I don't use an amp at the church where I play, and the TT's are as quiet as any other pickup. The power is fairly clean too, the building is only about 10 years old.

My practice amp sits about 4' from the pickups, and I don't notice any noise there either. There are no fluorescent lights around either which seem to be the major noisemakers in an AC system.

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 6:32 pm
by James Quackenbush
If I remember correctly, Joe used a pickup that isn't made anymore ...It was a pickup made for the Sierra that was made by Dimarzio ....I have one, and it kick's serious ask me no questions , I'll tell you no lies ...It's really a punchy sounding pickup with great string seperation ... The Clap Traps are also great sounding pickups with plenty of tap positions for different tones ...The ToneAligners that Bob H. is making are suppose to be the same pickup as the Clap Trap ... What would work well with Bob's pickups is that you get the chance to pick your strength ....That will be my next pickup to A/B it with my Dimarzio and my Clap Trap ...JIm

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 1:33 am
by Donny Hinson
Obviously, the E-66 doesn't provide the rounded sound I need for this.
For what, rock? I find the E66 to be a pretty capable pickup...if you have a good amp. It has good distortion characteristics, fine detail, and a full sound when used with the proper equipment. (It's the pickup I still use most of the time.)